Page 19 of Double Deal

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I suddenly realize what she’s asking me. She’s asking me about the people. Not the project, not the business structure. The people she was working for. Obviously she had a fondness for them.

“I should send them an email,” she mutters to herself. “It’s been a long time. I should say hello.”

“I could find out for you,” I hear myself offer. “I have contacts out there. I will check in.”

“Oh, you will?” she replies, her eyes instantly hopeful again.

Watching the emotions change on her face is giving me whiplash. She is so… sincere. It is like she makes no effort to conceal or control herself at all. No agenda. She just is what she is.

“Irving? We are late?” Veronica announces, stomping into the middle of my space.

She practically snarls at Opal, who flinches and backs away.

“We are done here,” I explain to Veronica.

I wish she would be less hostile, in general. I understand that she is upset with me perpetually, but her usual frosty demeanor has gotten much worse. I shouldn’t allow it to affect our employees. I will have to have a talk with her when we get to Cal.

Then again, maybe she will just throw herself at him and solve both my problems at once. Get them both out of my hair. It’s tempting.

“I’ll see you at the car,” Veronica announces before stomping off again, her overnight bag strapped to her rack-like shoulder.

Opal tracks her as she walks away, and I can see her assessing the details: Veronica’s angry flounce, her luggage that looks more appropriate for a weekend getaway than an afternoon business meeting…

“All right, then,” I clear my throat. “Thanks for your time, Opal.”

She offers me a smile of understanding. Is she sympathizing with me?

“Happy to help,” she answers.

“Try not to let her get to you,” I say confidentially. “It’s mostly an act. Well, that’s a lie. It’s mostly the truth. But she’s harmless. She doesn’t mean it the way it comes off.”

“Oh!” Opal exclaims. “That’s… fine. Veronica doesn’t bother me! She’s always been… Nice. You two seem, you know, like a good couple or whatever. A team. A good one.”

She nods tightly, her lips pressed together. She is absolutely lying to me right now, and it is very charming.

“We’re not a couple.” I shake my head.

There is that sharp intake of breath again. That click that starts at the back of her throat. The opening of her lips. A puff of breath.

It’s like a window opens, like I can see clearly for just a moment exactly what she’s thinking. Her expressions make sense to me. She is startled. She is surprised. She is very pleased.

Without another word, I take the satchel from my chair and leave my space. She continues to stand there, saying nothing, as I cross the office to the front door.

I’m smiling, and I suddenly realize why. That was fun. I was having fun. It’s been a long time.

Chapter 9


Ifeel so nervous, I can’t even bring myself to go to the airstrip on the north edge of the island. I’m afraid I would be out there pacing back and forth like a Labrador retriever until their plane landed.

And Irving would give me that look. That one that says, “Oh, Calvin, you’re so emotional.”

That’s always been the main difference between us. Even when we looked just alike, when we were kids, when our parents would buy us matching Armani tuxedos and take us all around the world to show us off, people would remark on our differing dispositions.

Irving practically has a permanent divot between his eyebrows. My mother claimed he was born scowling.

I just don’t see why things have to be that serious. Everything works out, one way or another.
