Page 48 of Double Deal

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Giorgio went to school with us, but his parents lost everything in the tech crash in 2002. Despite his genius acumen, Giorgio was forced to leave school. Even with all the connections, they were broke. He was adrift.

That is, until he reconnected with Irving. He worked alongside Irving and my father for several years, but when my father passed, Irving’s demeanor changed. Irving and I split into separate businesses, and Giorgio elected to come with me. Almost nobody knows that. When I suggested that Giorgio work with Irving again, I could see the tension in Irving’s face.

But that issue may not get resolved at this point. Irving is right; Giorgio doesn’t want to be here either. He was only too happy to leave the billionaire lifestyle, with its high-maintenance accessories and investments. I know Giorgio would be happier with a simpler lifestyle. He may have thought that being on an island in the Florida Keys was going to be like that. Not like this… Not like this enormous, overwhelming project we have undertaken.

A project that needs my brother’s help. And I am going to get it. Today.

Last night was a turning point for me. While we three had dinner together, I could feel the natural, unspoken pulse of information between us. We were in perfect harmony. Irving’s guard was finally down. He seemed at ease. Satisfied.

When she doesn’t know it, the way he looks at her… It’s like a broadcast. He doesn’t have the tools to conceal his feelings. He is completely enchanted by her.

That openness, the willingness to try, it is spilling over into other areas of his personality. He’s becoming the man he used to be. Trusting and hopeful.

When did he lose the courage to try? That’s practically his trademark brand. That’s what the magazines say about him, and yet I know the truth. He only exerts himself in a narrow range of activities where he knows he will succeed. That’s not courage. It might be, to people don’t have his resources. But I know the truth—his resources and intelligence are practically boundless. The only thing that stops him from doing anything is his internal watchdog, barking at shadows.

But I can sense it’s different now. It’s turning around. He was entitled to withdraw. When our father died, he was devastated. So was I. But I didn’t want us to split up. I thought we should remain unified as a creative team. Irving’s solution was to pretend everything had been destroyed and to remove me from his life so I couldn’t remind him of the life we used to have. Even though I understand it, I still find it anguishing. It took everything I had to give him that space.

Frankly, time is up.

A new vision begins to crystallize in my mind. Not just the Keywinds but something more than that. This project will end, and another will arise to take its place. But the real project… That is us. The Galloways. Not just brothers, but twins.

And perhaps more than that. It seems almost too good to consider, but Opal is the key. Without her, we fracture immediately. With her between us, we hold together. It makes sense.

As a coffee burbles its last drops into the carafe, I allow my imagination to sketch out the whole thing: technology, real estate, energy renewables, everything. All this, under the banner of Galloway Tech. The three of us, leading the way. Giving Elon Musk and Richard Branson something to chase. Being a name for ourselves in the world as undeniable thought leaders, philanthropists, and even more. Not to mention the sexy mystique of our impenetrable trio.

The thought twists my mouth into a smile. The coffee is good and hot, strong and sweet with grains of raw sugar swirling over my tongue. That sweetness reminds me of Opal’s sweet, tender flower. I can see that in my mind vividly now, too, and the thought of her spreading open before my eyes gives me an instant, throbbing erection. I wonder if she is awake yet?

A sudden, soft knock at the door startles me, filling me with hope. Could she possibly have the same thought?

But the door swings open, and Giorgio steps in. His face is thoughtful, even apologetic.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“I just got a call,” he answers, entering the room carefully. “It’s Rocco.”

My eyebrows go up.

“Rocco? What an interesting surprise. What did he say?”

“He wants transportation back to the dock,” Giorgio answers simply.

My mind races ahead. If Giorgio is back, he wants to invest. He’s finally made up his mind. And yet…

“Cal, you could say no,” Giorgio suggests, surprising me.

“I thought your position was that I should pursue him at any cost.”

He shrugs resolutely. “It was, at the time. But that could change, you know, if you have other options…”

“I might have other options,” I agree. “The question is, what are the consequences of pissing off a man like Rocco?”

Giorgio purses his lips, rubbing the back of his head vigorously, if contemplatively. It is a good thing he has such thick, curly hair, or I would worry he was going to give himself a bald spot.

“The guy probably just wants another free breakfast. Cheap bastard.”

Giorgio smirks, then raises his eyes to the ceiling. “Yeah, it’s probably something like that,” he sighs. “Listen, Cal, when this deal is over…”

“I know,” I answer softly. “You don’t have to say it.”
