Page 56 of Double Deal

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She is so self-assured it is startling to watch. I’m not sure if her confidence is an act, or if she genuinely feels this way about herself.

In any case, she is accustomed to being listened to, and Opal is listening. Even when Veronica is snarky or disrespectful, Opal just keeps her head down, documenting Veronica’s commands.

Rocco looks proud.

He looks like he won something. He looks like he hunted her down on safari, and Veronica striding back and forth is basically his version of her mounted head on a wall. She is beautiful, yes, but she is also brilliant.

And of course, she was Irving’s.

I have to stifle a laugh as soon as I realize Rocco might not know that was in past tense. Veronica is brilliant. I bet she told him that he stole her away from Irving. I bet that’s why they came back. Not because the investment suddenly made sense to him, but because he wanted to parade Veronica around the island, in the hopes that it would make Irving jealous.

Giorgio sits in the easy chair with his feet crossed on the ottoman in front of him, watching Veronica as well. His expression is decidedly unimpressed. Giorgio has very different taste in women. This self-conscious beauty, as hard worked as saltwater taffy, is nothing that would excite Giorgio. Even her intelligence won’t impress him. I think he is only here to ensure she doesn’t try to modify his designs in any way.

“Are you getting this? Opal?”

Opal glances up, her expression carefully controlled. “Of course I am. Is this it? Are we—”

“All right, let’s move on to the distribution schedule.”

With a stiff smile, Opal nods and opens a new screen while Veronica starts dictating again.

“I think I need more coffee,” I announce. “Coffee? Anybody? Can I get you something?”

“Don’t you have staff for that?” Rocco sneers. “I would’ve thought somebody would have been by, by now.”

“The resort isn’t really open yet, Rocco,” I remind him gamely. “We are on a skeleton crew. Why should I bother Carmela for coffee when I know how to make it myself? Now, do you want something?”

“Maybe Carmela,” he chuckles under his breath.

Veronica pauses midsentence, but doesn’t acknowledge him in any other way. This signal indicates she doesn’t really have him wrapped up just yet. She knows it.

“All right, let’s look at energy production one more time,” Veronica sniffs dismissively. “You guys still haven’t worked out how—”

“It’s all worked out,” Giorgio interrupts her.

She scowls at him, her hair fanning out over her shoulders dramatically. “Not according to these plans, it isn’t.”

“There have been developments,” he replies simply.

She straightens to cross her arms defiantly. “Developments? Okay, where are they? You have plans? Why don’t I have the most recent set of plans here?”

“Opal can get you up to speed,” he shrugs.

Veronica pauses to clack her front teeth together dangerously. “You? You have something to add?”

“I really need coffee!” Opal objects, standing up suddenly.

She looks around, nervously assembling a smile on her face. Her fingers tap the bottom of her iPad in a quick rhythm.

“I’ll show you where it is,” I offer, providing shelter for her as we walk quickly across the dining room.

Inside the catering kitchen, she finally lets out a breath I think she’s been holding since Veronica started talking. She jams the heel of her hand between her eyebrows and groans as she leans on the stainless steel countertop.

“Yeah,” I sigh sympathetically. “Nobody likes her. Really. Nobody.”

“No, it’s not that!” she objects. “It’s Giorgio!”

“Giorgio? What do you mean?”
