Page 67 of Double Deal

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“Oh yes, completely,” Irving says. “Actually, our island state only has one law, and this just happens to be it.”

“I… I…”

“Say yes, you fool!” Tabby yells out.

“Well, yes!” I exclaim. “I will marry you! And you!”

Grinning happily, they both rise to standing as the crowd rings out in applause and cheers. They cover my mouth and cheeks with kisses as we hold each other, surrounded by the most famous people in the world, and the only people in the world that I truly love.

Together, we accept congratulations from everybody. Richard Branson seems a little disappointed that we won’t consider him to join our trio, but everyone else is very happy for us and totally accepting. Lady Gaga, especially, seems to think this might be an idea that could catch on.

Just when I think I have had enough encouragement and acceptance, a silvery mane of hair approaches, and a woman reaches out for my hand with both of hers.

“Ernestine!” I exclaim, completely shocked.

Nigel squeezes my shoulder warmly, and my mind is flooded with memories from Honduras. Ernestine and Nigel opened their home to me, even taught me Spanish.

“We are so happy for you,” Ernestine says through teary eyes. “It is so wonderful to see you again.”

“The job offer still stands,” Nigel nods. “Though I suspect your position here is already permanent.”

“I’m just… I can’t believe you’re here! I’m so happy to see you!” I babble incoherently.

Irving smiles at me from just a few feet away.

“You. You did this? You brought them here?”

“I told you I had connections,” he replies simply. “Did you think I just forgot?”

I have to take a few deep breaths. I feel like my heart might explode.

“Señor Galloway gave us an offer on our mining claims,” Nigel informs me confidentially. “The deal is not completed. But it is everything we could have asked for. You didn’t have anything to do with this?”

“Me? No,” I answer. “But I am so happy for you.”

“We are going to retire!” Ernestine smiles. “We bought a sheep ranch in New Zealand. Promise me you will come and visit us, won’t you, Opal?”

“I will, I will,” I smile happily.

Mentally, I add that to my to-do list. Promises should be kept. Especially to the people you love.

I sense them behind me, before I even feel them. Calvin and Irving each stand at my sides, their hands resting lightly on my shoulders as we look around the gathering. In my mind’s eye, I see a vision of the future becoming clearer with each passing second. A vision where we create anything our hearts desire. Where we ensure our legacy. Where we work to make the world a better place, using everything we know and everything we are.

Where we are a family.

Where we are complete.
