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However, being around my former classmates had triggered the shyness that had plagued me so long ago. I was certain it was fleeting, but I wasn’t so sure the knots in my stomach were. And they had nothing to do with classmates instead, due to one classmate I had an unrequited crush on. We’d spent six weeks together during our senior huddled in the library as I tutored him in chemistry. Hayden Snow had been my teenage dream, and he had no idea.

Seeing him again tonight had me on pins and needles, unsure how or if I’d approach him once he arrived. Would he seek me out? I was still trying to wrap my head around the heated look he’d given me the other night as I left The Club.

Unfortunately, the seat I’d chosen had a perfect view of the main entrance into the ballroom. My gaze kept returning to the check-in table whenever I noticed someone step up to it. Which this early in the evening had been constant.

“Brenley, you look like you’re going to bolt any minute. What’s got you so keyed up?” Caris-Sloane Anderson, one of my best friends from high school who I’d lost touch with during college, then reconnected with a few years ago, sat next to me. Her husband, Blake, sat on her left, and added, “I don’t blame you, Brenley. If I wasn’t forced to be here, I’d be the first to leave. How about we all head to the hotel bar? The first rounds on me.” His offer made me laugh while Caris playfully swatted his hand.

“Hey, I go to all of your home games, so you I expect you to tough it out for the next three hours, minimum.” She leaned over and kissed him lightly on his lips.

Blake was the manager of the Idaho Outlaws, and I knew for a fact she loved going to his games. Their oldest, Valeria, did as well, cheering the team on like only a four-year-old could, so I wasn’t concerned I’d end up being the referee of a domestic squabble. In fact, it made me wish even more I could find someone like Caris and my sister, Thea, had.

Thea was supposed to be my “date” for the evening, but had bailed on me. Okay, maybe that was too harsh. Thea was almost eight months pregnant, and she’d been dealing with swollen feet lately and was on board with her staying home so her husband, Brock, could pamper her. But it meant I was one of the very few in the room without a date or significant other. Typically, my single status didn’t bother, but tonight it did.

“Sounds good to me, Blake, but I don’t want to get on Caris’ bad side. Besides, I’m not going to run. Just nervous about seeing everyone, I guess.”

Caris gave me an empathetic look, then asked. “Everyone, or just someone in particular?” Her face morphed into a grin, winked, then turned back to her hubby. “Did I tell you that Hayden Snow graduated with us?”

“Only a dozen times in the last few days. Hold on, is that why you’re so distracted? Does he even live here? If you’re interested, one of our—”

A commotion at the ballroom’s entrance rang out, and I was saved from answering and being set up on a blind date. I could see how excited Caris had become at her husband’s unfinished offer. Nope, I’d had plenty of awful blind dates over the years. And being set up by friends or my sister was just asking for trouble. No, even though it hadn’t worked out with Chad, I was working on a plan to find my own dates.

While Carisand Blake made googly eyes at each other, I thought just how small the world, or in this case Pineville, really was. A local press writer had tagged the town with the nickname “Biggest Small Town in Idaho.” Mainly because of the rapid increase in population over the past five years. And the connection between Caris’s husband and Thea’s made our circle that much smaller and closer.

Thea had met Brock in one of the best meet-cute stories of anyone I knew in real life. She’d won him in a charity bachelor auction. Thea had been reluctant at first, but the sexy and now former baseball star had won her over and now they were having their first child—I couldn’t wait to be an aunt.

“Brenley, hello.” Hayden appeared as if from nowhere.

The knots in my stomach morphed into butterflies, and my mouth went dry. I licked my lips and sat up straighter. “Hi.” It was all I managed to get out as an awkward silence followed.

Hayden was staring at me, probably politely waiting for me to say more. I found myself lost in his piercing grey-blue eyes, unable to form a thought beyond why he had crossed the enormous room to speak to me.

Caris bumped me with her elbow, knocking me out of my daze. “Oh, yes… it’s nice to see you again. You remember Caris Sloane, now Anderson. This is her husband, Blake Anderson.” I introduced the other couples at the table as well. Handshakes followed, and I had a moment to catch my breath and calm my racing pulse. It didn’t work.

“Do you mind if I join your table?”

Caris answered for all of us. “Of course. Yes, we’d love to have you. Right, Brenley?”

I nodded and once again at a loss for words.Get a grip, Brenley. You’re thirty-seven years old. It’s not like you’ve never been around attractive men before.So, why was this one making me feel like a blushing schoolgirl who’d never been kissed?

Because it’s Hayden. He’s always been important to me no matter the number of years, no matter his celebrity.

“So, where’s your date?” Hayden made a show of looking around the table.

I lifted an eyebrow. Why did he care? “Where’s yours?”

It felt like a standoff. It felt like we were back in that library arguing over fluid conversions. But that was long ago, and I hadn’t been that awkward girl in a very long time.

He blinked first.

“I never had one. I’ve been here on and off since last Christmas, but I’m not dating anyone at the moment.” He took a drink from his water glass, then winked at the others who were doing a poor job of pretending not to listen to our conversation.

“What about Chad?”

“What about him? I never invited him. Thea was supposed to come with me, but she’s at home getting a foot massage from her husband. She’s almost eight months pregnant and not feeling well.”

“Hmmm.” Hayden responded, then rubbed his chin.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He wore that smirk I’d always found annoying, and yet tonight it was kind of cute. And it ignited a spark deep in my tummy. The kind I’d been wishing to feel after I started dating again.
