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I’d never told anyone I loved them. Not my siblings, not even my mother the last time I saw her before she went into the hospital. And I’d be damned if I let another day go by without saying the words that yes, scared me to death more than any rocky cliff or ocean storm I’d ever faced, but I thrived on risk-taking and until I had her in front of me, I’d never know if she was ready to take that leap with me until I manned up and told her what I should have days ago.

* * *

“You havenothing to be nervous about. You know almost everyone that’s going to be there.” Grabbing Brenley’s hand, I raised it to my lips, pressing a quick kiss on her wrist. Her pulse was racing, but I knew she’d be fine. It was my racing heartbeat I had to get under control.

“I know. It’s just kind of sudden, don’t you think?”

“Well, sure, but I’ve been out of town and Zane didn’t know—”

“No, that’s not what I mean. This, between you and me. It’s been less than a month and you’re taking me to meet your family. Don’t you think it’s kind of fast?”

Damn. I didn’t handle this right. I should have talked to her before we left instead of planning some nutty stunt and telling her in front of my family. Pulling over to the side of the road, I shut off the engine and shifted to face her. “Maybe.”

Brenley’s eyes went wide. “Maybe? That’s all you got. We’ve never talked about where this,” she waved her hands between us, but before she finished her thought, I grabbed her hands and held on tight. I thought telling her how I really feel about her was going to be scary, but this moment blew that out of the water.

She took in a long breath and finished. “This thing we’ve got going is great. But now you want to introduce me as…what?”

Whoa, did I screw up big time or what?

“Hayden, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Her eyes looked sad, and it tore me up.

“Okay, sure. I get it. We don’t have to go. I’ll text Z and let him know something came up.”

Staring at me, she shook her head, then released a shaky sigh. “No. I mean us.”

The idea of not having her in my life was too much. “Brenley, I’m sorry. I should have told you by now. I know now that what began as this intense need to reconnect with you is so much more. When I got that announcement for our high school reunion, your face was the first thing that popped into my mind. And when you flirted back at the dinner, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was that you were still single too. I’ve travelled all over the world, studied and seen so many cultures where destiny or fate, or whatever name you want to give it, is almost a religion all its own. When the time is right, and the right person comes into your life, or back into your life like you have, you don’t question it. You grab on with both hands and accept it. Them. That’s how I feel, Brenley. I love you. And crazy or not, too fast or not, I can’t imagine doing anything, or living another day without you in my life.”

Tears streamed down her beautiful face. Placing my hands on either side of her head, I brushed them away with my thumbs, then kissed her forehead, leaving my lips pressed against her allowing my emotions to settle.

Wiped out from my declaration I didn’t want to freak her out any more than I probably already had, so I waited for her response. I’d wait for as long as she wanted, needed me to. I’d just placed my heart and my future into her hands, and it felt right—even if it scared the hell out of me.

“Wow. That’s… a lot. I thought, when you left, you’d use it as an excuse to break things off with me but then you want to take me to your family and… I see how important your career; this new show is to you and I wasn’t sure where I fit. But now, now I’m not sure I’m built for a long-distance relationship. As much as I care for you, I’d be a terrible globe trekker.” She let out a short laugh, then grabbed her purse and dug out a tissue.

“I’m not asking you to follow me all over the world.”

Confusion had her sitting up straight, a frown tugging at her kissable lips. “You’re not? But what about all those things you just said? How do you see this working between us if you’re hardly here? What about kids, or spending real time together, not just a long weekend here or there?” She blew her nose, then threw her hands up in the air. “I’m kind of confused, Hayden. What are you asking of me?”

I was still stuck on the kids' statement. Of course, she wanted kids. I did too. I always just put that desire off to the side over the years, regulating it to the “someday” column. But today was someday, and today was the day I wanted to begin planning for those kids, time together, building a home, and all of life’s wonderful surprises—I wanted all of it with her.

“I may have left out that the new show will be solely about sites and people in the US. Yes, I’ll be gone, but I’ll only be hours, a plane ride from home, not days or weeks at time.”

Brenley moved closer, hope shining in her beautiful eyes, her frown now a dazzling smile.

“I’m asking for today and however many days you want. I want you and I want kids, and all of life’s craziness, no matter where it takes us. I love your mind, your thoughtfulness, your laugh, your touch. But most of all, I want your love.”

Her lips crashed onto mine, seeking and giving at the same time. Scrambling over the console, she crawled into my lap. “Okay, so while you were gone, I’ve been working on this theory. That love sometimes goes into hibernation. Never truly extinguished. Just bidding its time as it waits and learns what it doesn’t want before reappearing at the exact right moment. Ever heard of that Mr. Silver Fox Adventurer?”

“Can’t say that I have. But it’s intriguing and definitely worth exploring.” Grinning, I tickled her ribs but what I really wanted to do was speed back home, and bury myself so deep inside, pleasuring her until she screamed my name a dozen times that we’d know the moment our new life had begun.

“Oh, I’m on board with that adventure. Have I told you yet that I love you, Hayden?”

“Not yet.” Tunneling my hands under her blouse, I ran my thumbs over her nipples as she squirmed against my cock and the sound of her breathy moans filled the cab of the truck, feeding my need for her.

I protested when she pulled back, but what I saw in her eyes made the interruption more than worth it.

“I do you know. I always have. I love you.”
