Page 10 of Playing For Keeps

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Taking two long steps, he reached the bed tumbling her down onto it and crushing her into its softness. He quickly removed the last barrier between her and nakedness while she clawed at his dress shirt, popping the buttons off in her fervor. He lifted himself off her enough to help her remove his clothes before rolling her on top of him, his mouth roaming from one breast to the other, his fingers searching for her core. He gently rubbed her in the exact spot she most needed and as her breathing became more labored, he rolled her onto her back replacing his fingers with his mouth.

Stacey could feel herself beginning to spiral and she clutched the bedspread for dear life, wanting it and yet terrified it wasn’t going to happen, that he’d stop just to make her pay. She was nearly there when he reached up, making her breath pause for half a second until he ran his nail across her nipple just once, pushing her over the edge. As she squirmed in ecstasy, he lifted, entering her in one thrust, causing her unused muscles to protest the invasion.

He paused for a second and she could feel his grin without having to look as he gently began to move, allowing her body to remember the rhythm of their lovemaking, building her back up to that exquisite peak. His mouth crushed hers with a mixture of tenderness and possessiveness that drove her insane.

She wanted to scream at him that she didn’t belong to him, but she knew she did, she always had, and as her body inched closer and closer to the release it desired the fiercer the kisses grew. Her fingers dug into his back as she returned each possessive kiss, turning each other on more and wanting complete control over the other. She could feel the release and broke from his kiss moaning his name, “Jake, please, Ja…ake.”

The first wave of it rolled throughout her body and she tightened around him. He returned his mouth to hers reaching down to rub the nub hidden beneath her curls, and another wave overtook her. She wanted all of him and couldn’t stand not having it, so she moved her hands down to his buttocks pressing him deeper into her and felt him groan into her mouth. Feeling more brazen than she ever had before, she broke their kiss and pushed him deeper into her. As he leaned his head forward and kissed her neck, she knew he was as ready as she was and smiled whispering to him, “Come for me, baby, come for me.”

At her words the last bit of restraint broke from him, he pumped harder, eliciting another moan from her, and another plea as they both shattered. He spilled himself into her as her body gripped him over and over demanding every drop. He collapsed onto her, their mouths searching for each other in a moment of total abandon, and he rolled over onto his side keeping her securely with him as they slowly began to come back down to earth.

Stacey snuggled deeper into Jake’s arms and sighed unable to help herself. She didn’t know how she could feel so content, and right this second, she didn’t want to fight it.

Jake smiled against her temple, and she looked up at him, “What?”

He said nothing in reply but flexed his pelvis allowing her to feel the heat returning.

“Already?” she teased lifting her leg slightly bringing him deeper inside her.

Jake pulled her face up to his and kissed her until her lips were swollen and the need for him returned full force. “Cee, baby, we’re just getting started,” he said his voice so husky it made her toes curl.

“Is that so?” she asked playfully pushing him onto his back, straddling his hips.

“Absolutely,” he smiled enjoying the new view immensely.

Stacey slowly moved her hips in a figure eight sending sparks through them both and she grinned great big when she felt him come fully to life inside her.

“You like that?” he asked lifting his hips to meet hers. She smiled biting her lip to keep from telling him exactly how much she did.

“How about this?” he added pulling her body down towards his, kissing her as they moved together.

This time she couldn’t hide the moan welling up inside her throat and he took it as encouragement, letting his hands begin their own assault on her senses. Light gentle caresses along her spine shifted to teasing pinches along her breasts before resting on her hips urging her on, and she felt the tingling build faster and faster. She tried to shift away from it not ready to let go completely but his hands anchored her to him.

He knew the moment she slipped over the edge, tossing her head back with a moan the entire hotel surely had to of heard.

“Jake,” she begged feeling her body coiling up again and he rewarded her with a new assault, taking her breasts into his mouth while his hands held her hips. Each thrust made the coil tighten more and more and she began to squirm first away from the sensations where their bodies were fused and then from his mouth on her tightly budded nipples, but her squirming simply made him bolder, and her body sing more.

“Stop fighting me,” he whispered locking eyes with her.

She stopped breathing and tried to slow her pulse, but it was no use, and as she and Jake gazed into each other’s eyes, all thought flew out of her mind. The only thing that remained were the sensations that threatened to bubble over at any moment.

His hands left their spot on her hips and gently trailed up her back and down her arms until they reached hers. He intertwined his finger with hers, never breaking his eye contact with her. They said everything they need with their eyes. Their breathing grew more labored, and their bodies screamed for release, which they found together in perfect harmony.

Hours later, Stacey woke at the sound of her phone beeping at her. She slowly got her bearings and blushed furiously when the memory of what she’d done invaded her mind at the same time muscles she hadn’t used in eight years screamed in agony. Jake felt her pull away and used his other arm to bring her back to him, her bottom snuggled so closely to him she could feel his body’s response to hers. She whispered to him, “I need to check my phone.”

“Later,” he grumbled, never a morning person.

“It could be Em needing something.”

“If I know Miles,” he said smiling with closed eyes, “they haven’t left the bed all night, so Emma wouldn’t be calling you for anything.”

She knew he was right, and a nagging feeling started eating away at her stomach.

“Jake, I really need to see who it was,” she said trying to scoot away.

“Who do you really think is on the other side of that phone?” he asked rolling her beneath him in one swift motion, trapping her between his body and the bed. Stacey looked away knowing the only person who would be calling her at this time of day would be Nick.

Jake saw the answer in her eyes and swore, “Damn it Cee, you’re lying naked in bed withmeand you want to talk to yourboyfriend?”
