Page 26 of Playing For Keeps

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“Notagirl,mygirl, my Cee…”

“Ah hell man, you’ve lost it. Get back here now so you can come to your senses.”

“Figure it out Cameron. I’m going to keep my girl this time and I’d prefer not to lose football, but I know I made the wrong choice back then. There’s only one Cee and this time she’s my only choice,” he stated then hung up trying to figure out how to convince her of it.

Chapter 5

“So, how’s it going with Jake?” Emma asked as they walked along the beach.

“It’s fine,” Stacey said hiding the tiny lie.

“Really? Stace, come on, it’s me you’re talking to remember?”

“I don’t know it’s just weird with Walker being around again.”

“You like Walker better than Jake? Or is it that you know Jake’s a player whereas Walker is ready to propose if you gave him any indication that you felt the same?”

“I would never marry Walker, or anyone for that matter,” she said with a sigh.

“Wait, is this about the guy you dated back home? You’re still in love with him, aren’t you?” Emma asked. “God of course, that’s why you never give anyone a chance you’re constantly comparing them to him.”

“No, I’m not still in love with him.”

“So, what is it then?”

“In a way no one’s measured up to the way I felt when I was the most important thing to him, but it didn’t last, and neither will this thing with Jake.”

“Then why are you still sleeping with him?”

“Because the sex is phenomenal,” she said with a grin.

“I never in my life would have expected you to say that without blushing,” Emma teased. “But who says sex can’t turn into something more?”

“Em he lives on the east coast I live on the west. There’s nothing this could turn into without me having to give up everything including you.”

“He could always move here,” she suggested.

“Give up his QB spot for New England to come to the team here? In what dimension are you living?” Stacey laughed.

“Just hear me out,” Emma said. “Pretend—open that huge brain of yours and imagine that he did. What would you do then?”

“Put new locks on the doors so you can’t come in while we’re having sex,” she joked.

“Seriously Stace, if the two of you lived in the same city would you cast him out like the others if he wanted something more?”

“If I knew I came first, that I meant more than somestupidgame, if I was his choice no, I wouldn’t turn him down, but that’s never going to happen. He is not going to move here and who was it that said she’d kick my butt to the moon and back if I thought of moving to London?”

“Me, but at least I know you’re open to love. You’ve been so closed off and I never understood why,” Emma said hugging her to her side.

“Ugh,” Stacey sighed as they reached her house. She looked around for the two men, but they were still out and she sat down on the couch facing her friend.

“Stace, what is it honey? What happened to make you move all the way up here?”

“You really want to know? You won’t judge me?” she asked.

“You’re my best friend honey, my family; of course, I’m not going to judge you.”

“Come on,” Stacey said offering her hand to Emma. She let her sit on the edge of the bed as she went to the closet and dug, and dug, and dug until she got the box she needed. She sat it on the bed between them and gave her a final look as she opened the lid.
