Page 46 of Playing For Keeps

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“We’ve been over this before I’m not telling you who I’ve slept with Jake; it’s none of your business.”

“Stacey doesn’t keep men around long enough to sleep with them,” Tristan offered.

“Considering I was her first I think I’d know if she’d been with someone else,” Jake began.

“Unless you want to spend the night alone again, I suggest you shut up about my sex life in the middle of a room full of your teammates. I might not mind my best friend knowing or even that they all know we’re sleeping together but I’m not discussing this here,” she said stopping him. “So, it’s your choice again Jake, shut up and come home with me or keep talking and be by yourself unless you can convince one of these other women to take my place.”

“I don’t think that’d be too difficult Stacey,” Celia laughed seeing the women staring at him.

“They might be agreeable but are you, Jake?” she asked lifting her chin.

“You know the only woman I want is you Cee,” he stated bringing her up against him. “You’d have known it eight years ago if you hadn’t left so damned fast.”

“Then show me now. Take me home Jake,” she suggested smiling as he ushered her through the crowd that chuckled after him.

“He’s either going to be the luckiest man alive or the biggest joke ever,” Tristan said watching them go.

“I don’t know, Stacey hasn’t admitted to any affairs over the years,” Lisa stated. “He might just have a shot.”

“No way, did you see how quickly she stopped his questions about her other lovers? She’s hiding something and she didn’t start out breaking hearts,” Celia told them.

“Well, she’s gotten pretty damned good at it,” Tristan stated.

“You and the other Brokens will be just fine,” Lisa assured him. “You’ve known Stacey longer than us, so when did she start accumulating the Brokens?” she added to Celia.

“After Lucca left…oh holy shit,” Celia laughed.

“What?” the group said looking at her.

“You know that carnival that’s coming to town over Labor Day weekend? Lucca’s family owns it.”

“Wait the circus that’s giving the hospital nine free shows is one of Stacey’s exes?” Mark asked.

“Uh oh, please tell me you all didn’t tell Jake that Lucca’s coming to town,” Emma said as she and Miles reached the group.

“No, we were just discussing whether or not Stacey’s going to claim another victim to the Brokens group,” Lisa stated.

“And I mentioned that the first year we knew Stacey she wasn’t the way she is now, and it dawned on me that after Lucca left…” Celia offered.

“She started breaking hearts left and right, yeah we put that together too and I don’t think it’d be a good idea to let Jake know that she and Lucca…” Emma said letting the rest linger.

“Wait so she and Lucca really were…you know…” Celia asked.

“Stacey never comments on that side of her personal life but from what she’s told me, what she’s told Jake, and what Jake’s told us, yeah I’d say it’s likely that Lucca and she were more than just the study buddies she let on back then,” Emma agreed.

“It’s taken you all this long to figure that out?” Tristan asked. “When did that girl ever have to study for anything? It’s like she’s got a photographic memory or something.”

“She does,” Lizzie stated. “How do you all think she can manage everything she can?”

“Wow, Jake’s a dead man walking, isn’t he?” Beau asked.

“He’s got one thing on his side,” Miles stated. “He knows Stacey better than most of us. Plus, it’s true what he said about his mother, she loves Stacey. If things don’t go well, I’d say a little parental intervention will be needed.”

“For now, let them be, anyone who tries to hurt Stacey will have to mess with me,” Emma warned.

“That means sit back, shut up, and don’t say a word,” Miles offered as the group laughed.

“It’s a woman’s world, men just live in it,” she told him with a smirk that had him kissing her.
