Page 50 of Playing For Keeps

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“Spend two minutes with Stacey and you’ll realize how much of a cut you’d be willing to take to be with her,” Leroy replied.

“What’s happening to Hal?” Thomas asked.

“He’s retiring; he came to us last week when we were going over the options regarding the trade for Jake. His knee’s out so Jake wanting to come here was the perfect opportunity for us. His contract with New England was up so he was a free agent, he chose us,” Rob explained.

“Did Hal know about Jake’s inquiry to come here?” Gary asked.

“No, we kept it quiet as he asked and now, we’ve got the best QB in the entire NFL on our team, and he’s determined to win another ring this year,” Vic stated.

“Two really,” Nelson added. “He says he’s going to be married to Stacey before he wins the Super Bowl this coming winter.”

“Big expectations, I think we can live with that,” Leroy said before they headed out to get ready for the dance.


“So, anything you want to share?” Miles asked as they waited for the girls to come down.

“As of this afternoon, you’re looking at the new number seventeen for the Seattle.”


“Yeah, Hal’s decided to retire before he blows his knee out completely and they decided that they’d be idiots to pass me up.”

“Does Stacey know yet?”

“No, I wanted to wait until after the dance. I let the guys back home know my decision and have kept Cameron fielding their calls to say no to the latest offers.”

“Did Seattle offer you anything comparable to what you were making?”

“Not really, it’s three point two less a year but I don’t care. I’ve got more than enough in the bank to live off of and considering Cee owns this place outright now if or when we sell it it’ll let us buy something new just for us.”

“You’re serious about all of this; it’s not just an old fantasy finally playing out?”

“No, Cee isn’t a fantasy she’s the only reality I’ve ever wanted and now I’m not going to let anyone stand in the way of that.”

“Just making sure, Emma will kill me if you hurt her.”

“I’m not going to. You can take that to the bank,” he stated as Emma came into view.

“You look amazing,” Miles said giving her a kiss.

“Wait till you see Stacey then,” she teased. “Come on girl it’s time to go.”

Stacey took a deep breath as she rounded the corner and walked down the steps her gaze connecting with Jake’s as she went.


“You’ve left the boy speechless Stace,” Emma laughed as Miles patted Jake on the back.

“Mesmerizing,” Jake said reaching her. “Stunning…incredible…none of them cover it, Cee.”

“Thanks, ready to go get this night over?” she asked with a smile.

“Absolutely,” he agreed giving her a kiss. They reached the dance as it began to get crowded but the second, he walked in with her the room grew quiet. “You always had that effect on people Cee.”

“What effect?” she asked.

“Rendering them speechless, leaving them in awe of you,” he answered before greeting Gary.
