Page 55 of Playing For Keeps

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“Not anymore though,” she stated sliding down his body until he was moaning as she showed him how not cold, she was when it came to him.

“Shit baby,” he groaned as she reached down to pick the shirt up much later. “How the hell have I been without this for eight years?”

“I don’t know. I’m going to take a shower, want to join me?” she asked with a smile.

“You’re going to kill me woman,” he teased scooping her up.

He went back downstairs later with a smile on his face as he grabbed the paper from the porch and checked out the headlines. Someone had been busy it seemed as the news of his decision jumped out at him from the front of the sports page. He opened his laptop and checked the headlines there; it was more than just local news he realized.

A message popped up on the screen and he took a minute to debate over answering it but finally gave in and accepted the chat request. “Hi Mom…Dad.”

“Hi Mom…Dad, that’s it?” his mother demanded. “You don’t think a little head’s up is in order when you decide to leave your team?”

“What’s going on Jake? You love New England.”

“I did Dad, but Seattle’s got a lot more to offer me.”

“More money?” his dad questioned.

“Less money, same playing time but Seattle has one thing New England doesn’t.”

“What’s that Jake?” his mother asked.

“Jake, do you want an omelet or just some regular eggs?” Stacey asked hitting the doorway. She saw his computer open and the picture on it and took a step back. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” he said as his mother asked another question.

“You’re with someone? Is that why you haven’t gone back since the wedding? Jake did you finally meet someone?”

“Well, yes, I’m with someone. Hold on a second alright,” he told his parents who were asking a million questions. He walked over to Stacey and gave her a light kiss. “Let’s tell them before the news gets hold of our past and they find out that way.”

“They’re going to think we’re right back where we were.”

“Aren’t we? Cee, I love you. I want to be with you. I’m changing my life for you this time. I’m here for you.”

“I’m not ready for them to find out, okay?”

“Alright,” he sighed giving a light kiss. “Whatever you want for breakfast is fine.”

She nodded and watched him move back to the computer.

“Jake, who was that?” his dad asked.

“She sounded nice,” his mom added with a bit of skepticism. “Are you moving there for her?”

“Yes, I moved here for her.”

“Jake that’s a lovely thought but is it worth risking your career? You haven’t exactly had the best track record with relationships; you haven’t really had one in years.”

“I agree with your father, we get that you’re old enough to make the decisions of who, when, where and all but aren’t you moving a little fast?”

“No, I’m fine. I’ll be fine and I love her.”

“Who’s to say she’s not simply after your money Jake? You’re worth a fortune son,” his dad stated.

“She’s not like that; you’ll love her.”

“I highly doubt that,” his mom said forcing Stacey to take a chance. She slipped around to the back of the couch and leaned over Jake’s shoulder.
