Page 7 of Playing For Keeps

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“I think he went crazy, robbed four banks wearing a Teletubbies mask and is currently in the mental ward of the state prison.”

“What’s so funny?” Miles asked taking his seat next to Emma as they laughed fully.

“Not a thing sweetie, not a thing,” she smiled sharing a knowing glance with Stacey. “It’s time for speeches and cake I believe.”

“Then let’s get started,” he said standing up and getting everyone’s attention.

After they cut the cake and distributed it, he made a toast to his new wife. Jake followed it with a comical one about how he and Miles had met in the backseat of a taxi they’d both entered from different sides, and how that one crazy taxi ride with a racecar driver wannabe made them friends for life despite their obvious differences.

Stacey stood up and smiled down at Emma before beginning, “Most of you know that Emma and I became fast friends while in college, what you don’t know is that the first time we actually met, she tried to kill me. Now before anyone starts dialing the number for the police department, I should clarify that it wasn’t on purpose. She had just moved into the tiny little house that four of us were sharing and trying to make a good impression, she cooked us dinner. I had been studying…”

She broke off at the laughs coming from her friends at that comment and shrugged her shoulders as she continued, “Okay so maybe studying is a bit of a stretch, but I had been working and got home late. The kitchen was already cleaned up and the others were at the table dishing things out, they begged me to join them, and I reluctantly agreed. Who am I kidding right? Of course, I joined them. I hadn’t had to lift a finger to make an amazing looking meal, an offer any college student would accept, I’m sure. I had taken about five bites when I began to feel strange, next thing I know I can’t breathe and the others are freaking out, but Emma calm as can be, went to her purse, grabbed an EpiPen, and stabbed me with it. Come to find out I am severely allergic to asparagus of all things, but that day changed everything for me, suddenly I had this girl by my side constantly checking to see if I was okay.

“At first, it annoyed me. I was twenty years old, perfectly capable of taking care of myself, but I soon realized that it came from a place of love, and I also realized very quickly that Emma loves swiftly and completely. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to run out to buy a pint of ice cream. Shh, I’m downplaying it here,” she said holding her finger to her lips when Emma chuckled loudly.

“Anyway, each time her heart was broken I’d tell her the same thing. When it’s right you won’t cry when he leaves, you’ll throw the TV remote after him,” she continued letting the room laugh knowing about Emma’s tendency to throw things whenever she lost something.

“No, I’d simply remind her that no matter who comes and goes there will always be someone who loves her simply the way she is, and will never want her to change—me. But now, I have to share that special place with Miles, and I’m thrilled to know that he’ll be just as good at it as I’ve been. So, to Miles, thank you for convincing Em that sometimes love isn’t what you’re expecting, and for knowing exactly when the conversation needs to be for girls’ ears only. Em, I’m so happy that you’vefinallyfound your Prince Charming, and that next time you need a pint of ice cream it should be because you’re completely hormonal and pregnant, andno, she’s not pregnant now, I’ve already asked.

“Now, all jokes aside, remember this,” she said looking between her best friend and the man she knew would love her always. “Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.Simply put,Love never fails. Emma, you are the sister I never had, never needed, but always loved, and that love led you here and now it’s Miles’ turn to lead you to the next greatest loves in your lives. Congratulations Em, Miles may your journey together be every bit as bright and warm as you both.”

She began to sit down but Emma stopped her with a hug and tears. “You’ve ruined my makeup.”

“It just makes you look even better.” She laughed, refusing to allow her emotions to escape.

Miles stood up and kissed her cheek shaking his head, “How a girl can talk about love like that and refuse to accept it I’ll never know.”

“Just special I suppose,” she smiled at him.

“Scared more likely,” Jake said from his spot next to Miles between sips of champagne.

“Sorry?” Emma asked. “You can’t honestly think my friend here is a scared of anything. She’s always the first to climb to the top of any peak, the first to jump out of a plane, the first to walk across a bar and ask a guy to dance, Stacey’s not scared of anything.”

“Except her past,” Jake stated firmly. “Isn’t that right Cee?”

“Did he just call you Cee?” Emma asked dumbfounded.

“Jake whatever you think you know about me from a four to five-hour acquaintance, now isn’t the time to share.”

“No? You mean, you don’t think your friends would want to know who you really are.”

“This is Emma and Miles’ wedding reception; perhaps you should stop downing drinks and remember that Miles is your friend, yeah?” she hissed quietly at him.

“When did you ever care about your friends?” he questioned a bit too loudly.

“Okay, sorry folks but I think the best man’s trip across the country this morning is catching up with him,” Stacey said, pushing him towards the exit.

“Nah, it wasn’t the cross-country trip that did it, it was the trip down memory lane,” he said flipping around and staring down into her face.

“Stacey, what’s going on?” Emma asked.

“Nothing, he’s apparently drunk.”

“Stacey,” Miles said, “why don’t you let me take care of him?”

“That’s not a bad idea,” she agreed reluctantly not wanting Jake to spill the truth to anyone and right now, he looked angry enough to do just that.

“It’s also a perfect time for us to change,” Emma added. “If you’ll excuse us for a moment we’re going to change and be right back for the bouquet toss,” she said addressing the crowd.
