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My head is reeling. One minute I was curled up on Marcus Hunt’s lap, basking in the comfort and security he and Josh surrounded me with. Then the satiny demand of their touches overwhelmed me, wreaking havoc on my common sense and stealing my sanity. Now my body is an out-of-control conflagration. As I stare up at the yellowing popcorn ceiling, I sizzle in toe-curling intimacy, desperately aware that two men I’ve known for a handful of days are giving me more pleasure than I’ve ever had in my life.

Josh’s lust-dark eyes appear above me. He cradles the curve of my waist and slowly feels his way up until his hot fingers brand my breast, fondling my tender nipple until I gasp at the slight sting of sensation. “You’re beautiful, sweetheart. And you look sexy as hell with Marcus between your legs. He’s making you feel good, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” I pant out as Marcus’s tongue lingers and swirls before he slowly sucks my clit into his mouth. I arch off the bed, a slave to the sensations they’re heaping on me. “Yes!”

Smiling, Josh lays out next to me, the length of his hard body pressing against my side. He turns my face toward his with a gentle but insistent hand. “Good. He’s desperate to have your pleasure, and I love watching you give it over to him.”


“Do I enjoy seeing you writhe for my best friend?”

“I don’t understand,” I manage to gasp out as Marcus laves the most sensitive part of my clit with a burning drag of his tongue.

“Seeing him drive you to orgasm arouses the hell out of me.”

Of course. Men are visual creatures, and this is the ultimate porn—personal and immediate. He isn’t merely watching me on a screen. I’m a flesh-and-blood woman in his bed. He can touch my breasts, smell my arousal, taste my skin…all while visually feasting as I twist in ecstasy. And unlike hollow adult films produced by actors, none of what we’re feeling is fake.

Marcus grips my hips tighter and growls at Josh. “You’re distracting her.”

“You want to rush her climax?”

“Fuck you.” Marcus shoots back, his lips slick.

As I look down my body to him, our stares meet. His eyes glitter. With a sly grin, he licks my juices from his mouth, humming with approval.

Fresh desire sparks between my legs. My womb clenches. Need buzzes. I burn.

Josh shakes his head. “We might share, buddy, but I’m never fucking you. Get back to it and make her come so I can make her come again.”

“Yes,” my hoarse demand slips out. “Please…”

“Like Josh said, why would I want to rush it?” Marcus taunts, then lowers his head.

Despite his comeback, he doubles his effort, licking the tip of my clit with ruthless precision. He presses in just enough to create a delicious friction that sends me reeling.

“Oh, my god!” I cry, gripping the sheets, my eyes flaring and focusing in on Josh still looming above me, now wearing a wolfish grin. “That’s the other reason I enjoy you coming apart for my best friend. We understand each other. We feed off each other. We each know the other’s bents and appetites. Together, we learn a woman to assure we both get what we want while challenging each other to drive her higher.”

He proves what he’s saying by twisting my nipple, then alternately soothing it with a soft press of his thumb. The effect is stunning, arousing me with the pressure and tug before depriving me of everything except a gossamer skim that has me craving more. Then he starts all over again, cataloging and dissecting my every reaction, quickly refining his touch into something lethal to my restraint.

“Is it working?” The laughter in his tone tells me he knows it is.

“Yes,” I barely manage to gasp through the air sawing in and out of my lungs. “God, yes.”

Hot blood jets through my whole body, pooling and searing between my legs as the two of them work together to mercilessly shove me to the edge.

I try telling myself I’m losing control this quickly because it’s been so long since any man has touched me, but that’s not the reason. I can’t even say it’s because they’re more skilled at everything than Derrick, though they definitely are. The unavoidable truth is, they make me feel things I’ve never fathomed…and not just sexually. I already care more for them in my heart than I did in the last six months of my marriage.

That’s terrifying.

I would wrench away from them if I had the strength. But I’m so close to a cataclysmic climax, my entire body trembles. The only thing I can do now is ache and need and surrender.

Then Josh kisses me thoroughly, deeply. He tastes like pent-up passion soaked in wine as his tongue tangles with mine. It’s a different kiss than Marcus’s aggressively sensual assault on my mouth. Josh is more seductive and finessed, always holding a little something back until I can’t help but reach for him in greedy demand.

His lips ghost over my jaw before he buries his face in my neck. “Come for us.”
