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She whimpers around his cock again, her hips wriggling against my teasing fingers as I strum her clit and meld myself to her everywhere we touch. I need to get inside her. I don’t want to rush, and I don’t want to inhale her without even tasting her sweetness. I’d love to savor every moment of the first time I’m deep inside Kate…but I don’t have the patience to take this slow.

I drag my lips up her shoulder and exhale heavy breaths along her neck, relishing the way she shivers in my arms. “Spread your legs wider and grab onto Marcus, sweetheart.”

With a gasp, she rushes to comply, gushing more moisture onto my already sopping fingers. She is so swollen and undoubtedly on fire. If I time this right, the three of us will find ecstasy together. They’re both on the precipice, and the way I feel now…once I’m buried inside Kate, I won’t last long.

“Hunt, step back and get on your knees,” I snap at my pal. “She’s going to need to brace herself for this.”

Marcus snarls vaguely but complies, bending Kate at the hips, which lifts her delectable ass—the one I’ll definitely defile soon—in the air. He sinks his other hand into her hair and fucks her mouth slowly, deeply, intently, every muscle in his arms and chest taut. He’s sweating. His lips move in a silent string of filthy curses as he tries to hold back.

“In position. Fucking hurry it up,” he snarls. “She’s dismantling me.”

“Hold it together.” I rip into the condom and roll it down my length, then fit my crest at Kate’s opening. She’s tense. As swollen as she is, she’ll be incredibly tight—and I can’t wait. I pet her pussy both to reassure and arouse her even more, then skate my palm down the milky skin of her back and grip her hips. “I’m ready.”

With a mouthful of cock, she can’t reply, but I hear her whimpers. They speak volumes, along with her wriggling hips. She’s aroused to the breaking point.


Methodically, I push my way inside Kate, gliding deep, then deeper, like a hot knife through butter. She parts for me, accepting me greedily, her muscles latching onto me and squeezing like she’s desperate to be filled.

“Oh, hell,” my groan slips out.

“You finally inside her?” Marcus croaks.

“Getting there,” I gasp out. “Oh, my fucking…”

I can’t even complete that sentence. I don’t have the words. I’ve never felt anything this goddamn good.

Slowly, Kate undulates, her pretty peach of an ass luring me as I grab the firm globes and urge her back onto my cock while I surge forward, burying myself in her completely.

She cries out. Marcus uses the opportunity to work deeper down her throat. She keens out a helpless little gurgle. My best friend adds to the soundtrack with a hiss of need as he picks up the pace of his strokes.

I do the same, marveling at the way Kate moves between us, with each of us, endeavoring to give us both what we’re craving.

In moments, our individual rhythms sync up, Marcus and I both filling and withdrawing in a rough, deep cadence that has her back bowing, her shoulders tensing, her cunt tightening, and her screams filling the air.

It’s everything I imagined and so much more.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Marcus grinds out, his eyes glowing with feverish need. “Josh?”

“One minute.” I’ve been focusing on the others, doing my best to block sensations so they couldn’t drag me under. But I let them roll over me now—Kate’s snug heat, the grip and ripple of her clinging pussy, the smell of her need, Marcus’s growls, our combined pheromones hanging heavy in the air.

“I’m counting,” he thunders back.

The stark burn of sensations have me unraveling fast. I close my eyes, welcoming the zip of need searing down my arms, up my legs, and settling in every inch I’m shuttling inside Kate.

I slow my stroke just enough to reach under her and finger her stone-hard clit. “Come—and take us with you.”

She really is a pleaser because almost on command her body jerks, thrashing in ecstasy. Her wail of completion echoes off the walls. Her pussy squeezes me mercilessly. And Marcus…

“Holy motherfucking….” he bellows, the words broken by the audible breaths sawing in his chest. “Goddamn.Oh, fuuuucccckkkk!”

When his whole body shudders, ecstasy seizes me. I pour everything inside Kate, my climax a torment—hot, volcanic, and unstoppable. Whatever I thought I knew about my feelings, about relationships, and about my future before this moment? All gone. Now there’s only her. She has me. I’m not letting go.

On the surface, it doesn’t make sense. No one gets addicted after one fuck. But I am—no question. Kate is now my drug of choice.

Marcus pulls free from her mouth, goose bumps spreading over his pleasure-wracked body. His expression is almost exactly like mine. He’s falling hard. Fast. Oh, he’s fighting it. But if we keep spending our nights like this, I don’t see how he’ll hold out. The sex will help cement his attachment, but Kate’s innate sweetness, along with her sense of right, her drive, her loyalty, and her heart will permanently ensnare him.

I just have to convince her that the devotion we could share will be worth the personal price society will demand for the great sin of loving two men. Taylor wasn’t willing to pay it. After what Kate has been through, will she?
