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Marcus grunts like he’s opposed to anything that interrupts his access to my body, but he grudgingly lifts me and carries me across the room.

I don’t understand. “You want me pregnant soon?”

Josh lays out across the mattress, then reaches up to guide me onto his waiting cock. Marcus helps, settling me onto Josh so I’m straddling his hips. Gravity does the rest, and suddenly I’m full of his unbelievably stiff erection.

“Now,” Josh groans as he begins a slow, hypnotic rhythm. “We want you pregnant now.”

I should be responsible, not turned on. What they’re saying and doing shouldn’t make my ovaries explode and my girl parts tango.

But it does.

I join the cadence of his thrusts inside me, seconds from combusting into a million twinkling stars of pleasure.

Then Marcus drops a heavy hand on my shoulder, shoving every one of Josh’s overwhelming inches even deeper inside me. With his other hand, he rubs something slick and cool against the orifice no one has ever touched, then inserts a finger, awakening nerves I never knew I had. Then he adds another and parts them, stretching me before delving deeper and adding a third. I wince at the tight squeeze, even more strained with Josh inside me. Marcus widens his fingers again, opening me even more, patiently and methodically torquing me up as he prepares me for what’s next.

I feel empty when he finally pulls free. “Marcus…”

“Shh. It’s time,” he says, his voice husky as he bends me to lie on Josh’s chest, then nudges my opening with his fat crest. “Bear down, push out, and take me.”

“B-but you know I’ve never—”

“That’s why I prepared you. I’ll go slow, but brace yourself. We’re about to make you melt between us.”

His words alone nearly undo me. Desire tightens my aching body. I don’t remember why I was angry, and I don’t care anymore. I simply give myself over to them.

Marcus grips my hips, gliding worshipping thumbs over the small of my back as he tunnels inside me in a molasses stroke, gradually filling me up like I never imagined. Together, the two of them leave me feeling packed deliriously tight. The sting of stretching to accommodate them is an unexpected thrill. So are their groans in my ears, wordlessly telling me how much pleasure I give them.

“Fuck, yes,” Marcus growls in my ear as he grinds deeper. “You’re ours now, baby girl.”

“Yes!” The cry slips from my lips automatically.

“I tried so fucking hard to resist the three of us. I didn’t want to go down the same road…”

“I’m not Taylor,” I protest.

“We know that now,” Josh assures, rocking under me and nudging that one spot that leaves me open-mouthed, shuddering, and clawing at him for more.

“You’re fucking not,” Marcus agrees as he withdraws and surges into my ass again. “You’re ours forever. I love you.”

Between the shock and the sensations, I gape wide-eyed at Josh, who grabs my hot cheeks in his hands. “I love you, too.”

Tears spring to my eyes. He said it before…but this time his stare is as naked as his body. I feel their devotion in the love they’re making to me. It’s filling me all over and reaching into my heart.

“I don’t know when or how…” I whisper. “I meant to keep everything between us professional.”

Marcus snorts. “I was always going to fuck you.”

“Absolutely,” Josh confirms. “Same. We just weren’t going to do you together.”

But love had other ideas.

I’m not sure whether to laugh, cry, or come apart, but I slant my lips over Josh’s and reach around to grip Marcus’s thigh, giving them each my touch. “I love you both, too.”

“Oh, thank fuck.” Marcus thrusts into me faster and deeper, now with the assurance of a man who knows he’s with the woman he’s meant to spend his life with.

“Yes. Yes. Yes!” Josh chants, his strokes picking up pace as he swells and stretches me even more.

He’s going to come inside me. Deep. Against my womb. Without any protection. I’m going to get pregnant tonight. I feel it in my bones. Come July, I’ll be giving birth to their son or daughter.
