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When I was done dry heaving, I lifted my head and groaned, “It’s just a little puking. I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

“There isn’t anything left in your stomach, and you’re still nauseous. That’s a fuck of a lot of puking, not a little.”

“This wasn’t how I was planning to tell you,” I muttered as he helped me to my feet. I felt bad that I’d allowed myself to be distracted with sex before we had the conversation I’d been waiting for weeks to have with him. But the moment he’d touched me, all rational thought fled my brain. My body was more sensitive, and I had been instantly blown away by the intense pleasure of Huntley’s touch.

“Tell me what? Have you been sick while I’ve been gone?” His fingers dug into my hips as he guided me over to the sink.

After rinsing my mouth out with water and swishing some mouthwash, I heaved a deep sigh and met Huntley’s gaze in the mirror. “I wouldn’t say I’m sick exactly.”

“What exactly would you call it then?” He turned me until we were facing each other, worry shining from his hazel eyes.

My hands felt warm and sweaty as nervous butterflies swirled in my stomach. Ever since I found out that I was pregnant, I had wondered how this conversation would go. Huntley knew I wasn’t on birth control and still came inside me without any protection, but his decision could have been made in the heat of the moment without thinking about the possible consequences. Turning up pregnant after our first night together came as a huge shock to me, so I could only assume he’d be surprised too. I braced myself for his reaction as I blurted, “An unfortunate side effect of pregnancy.”

He stepped back, his gaze dropping to my still-flat belly. His voice was shaky when he asked, “You’re pregnant?”

“Yeah, I haven’t been to the doctor yet to confirm, but I took three at-home tests about a month ago that were all positive.” I twisted to my left and opened the cabinet drawer to pull out the little white sticks that I’d kept. “You might not want to touch these since I peed on them, but I thought maybe you’d like to see them.”

“I had my tongue shoved inside your pussy while I ate you to orgasm. I think I can handle touching something you peed on that’s been dry for weeks.” His lips curved into a grin as he reached for one of the tests and stared down at the results window. “Pregnant.”

With how new our relationship was, I was surprised that he seemed excited by the news. His smile grew as he checked each test before placing the stick on the counter. After setting the third one down, he gripped my hips and crushed me against his chest. Burying his face into the crook of my neck, he pressed hot kisses against my sensitive skin.

“I take it you're happy about the pregnancy?” I asked with a shiver as I tilted my head to the side to give him better access to my neck.

“Happy doesn’t begin to describe what I’m feeling right now.” He sucked on my skin just hard enough to leave a mark before pulling away to grin down at me. “I’m fucking thrilled, gingersnap. The little guy you’re carrying is going to be the perfect blend of you and me.”

I wasn’t even a tiny bit surprised that he assumed our baby would be a boy. Laughing softly, I shook my head. “You do realize it could be a girl, right?”

“If she is, then I might need to buy a couple more guns.” He brushed a lock of my hair off my cheek. “With you for her mom, she’s bound to be fucking gorgeous.”

My sputtered laughter from the mental image of him scaring boys away from our daughter changed to a watery sigh at his compliment. “You’re getting way ahead of yourself.” I pressed my palm against my stomach. “I’m not even showing yet, and from what I read online, we won’t find out what we’re having for another two months, at least.”

He covered my hand with his and asked, “When is our girl going to pop this belly out and let everyone know she’s in there?”

I loved how easily he’d started calling the baby a girl. “Probably another month or two.”

“That doesn’t give us a lot of time to plan a wedding.” A wrinkle popped up in the middle of his brow. “Do you want to do a big ceremony? Or would you be okay with eloping? Barring an emergency, I should be good to take leave for a couple of days as long as we don’t travel too far. I’d just need to clear it first.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” I pressed my palms against his chest. “We don’t need to rush off and get married just because I’m pregnant.”

“The pregnancy isn’t why I want to make you my wife. I already told you that I was going to marry you our first night together, remember?” he reminded me before brushing his lips over mine. “Beyond being able to tell you some details I wouldn’t be able to share with you otherwise, there are benefits you’d get as my spouse. With a baby on the way, I want you to have access to every bit of assistance the Navy provides as soon as possible.”

What he was saying made sense, but I didn’t want to hear all the sensible reasons I should marry the guy I’d fallen hard and fast for. Pressing my lips together, I scrunched my nose while I thought about how to respond. “Getting married shouldn’t be a decision based on logic. The start of our lives together should be about emotion. About what we feel for each other.”

My voice wavered at the end, and I had to fight tears. Talking about getting married was already hard, and the pregnancy hormones were making me more emotional than usual.

“Hey, now.” Huntley cupped my cheeks with his palms and tilted my head back to brush his lips over mine. “Don’t cry, gingersnap. The baby and getting married are supposed to be happy things, not sad.”

“I know,” I sniveled as tears started to stream down my cheeks. “But this isn’t exactly a normal situation. We only had one night together before you had to leave. There wasn’t any time for us to do all the normal relationship stuff, and now here we are—I’m knocked up, and you feel as though you have to propose.”

“You’ve got it backward, Cora.” He kissed away my tears and smiled down at me. “I don’t feel pressure to marry you. If anything, it’s the opposite, and I’m using your pregnancy to my advantage. It’s the perfect opportunity to tie you to me permanently, and I’m not above doing whatever it takes to make you mine forever.”

That sounded an awful lot as though he wanted this for himself, but I still asked, “Because of the baby?”

“No, Cora. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because I fucking love you.” He captured my mouth in a deep kiss, leaving me breathless when he lifted his head again. “If I hadn’t wasted so much damn time after we met, I have no doubt you’d already be my wife. I want to kick my own ass for giving you reason to doubt my intentions, but please don’t hold my mistake against me. Make me the happiest man on earth. Say yes. Marry me.”

“You love me?” I echoed in wonder.

“Damn straight, I do. You were already on my mind every single day I was gone the last time we were deployed, but it was different this time. After our night together, I yearned for you with every cell in my being.” He shook his head and chuckled. “Ask any of the guys. They’ll tell you I’m head over heels for you. Hell, Deacon didn’t even react when I jumped out of his vehicle before he stopped. He just tossed my bag after me and laughed as he drove away.”
