Page 1 of Priceless Secret

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Everything has a price.Everything, andeveryone.

Your loyalty. Your morals.

Your love.

At the end of the day, it’s all just a transaction, open to the highest bidder. And if you think otherwise…

Well, that just means nobody’s offered you a high enough amount just yet.

But believe me, there’s a number. A price at which you’ll sell your soul to the devil. I’ve built an empire knowing just what that number will be. When you’ll protest, and turn your nose up in righteous indignation.

And when you’ll drop to your knees, mouth wet and open for me. Thighs parted, willing to do my bidding.

Ready to scream my name.

And then I met her. Avery. My little sparrow. I bought her fair and square, but it turned out, she wasn’t for sale. She cast a spell on me with her innocence and sweet song, fueling my craving for her like nobody else.

With her, it wasn’t a transaction, but aseduction. Unwrapping the wild heat within her, teasing out her darkest desires, until she was wet and begging for me.

And I took what was mine.

Yes, I was a man possessed. Obsessed.

And I paid the price, alright.

Now I have to know, who is she? What are the secrets she’s been hiding from me?

And who will pay the cost of her betrayal?



“Let me out of here!”I scream, desperately rattling the doorknob. “Let me go!”

But nobody comes. I’ve been here for hours, screaming my head off, with no answer.

I’m trapped. A prisoner. And the nightmare is only just beginning.

Stay calm, Avery. There has to be a way out of this.

I pace, trying to control my panic. The last thing I remember is men in medical uniforms dragging me away from Sebastian’s house, strapping me into restraints, and sedating me. I woke up, dressed in plain overalls, in a tiny windowless room. The door is locked.

There’s no way out.

“Nobody fucks with me. Whoever you really are, you’ll rue the day you tried to take me on. No one is coming for you. Your life is in my hands now. And I will get my answers.”

Sebastian’s final, chilling words echo in my mind.

He’s the one who did this to me: Locked me up in a psychiatric facility, supposedly to stop me from harming myself.

It’s all lies. I don’t know how he pulled it off. Bribed the facility, somehow, to take me away and keep me under lock and key for him. It’s barbaric, but then, I always knew he was a heartless monster.

It’s why I’m on a mission to destroy him. To crush his heart and ruin everything he cares about—the way he did to me, when he drove the man I loved to suicide.

I thought I was winning. I thought victory was within my grasp. For close to a month now, I’ve been undercover with him, searching for a way to have my revenge. I created a new identity, new background, played at being sweet and innocent and let him seduce me, all to weaken his defenses and find the best place to strike.
