Page 13 of Priceless Secret

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The lies and games between us run so thick now, I can’t tell where they end, and the truth begins.

At last, Sebastian turns to face me. His dark eyes meet mine as he curtly utters the two simple words I was never expecting. Not from him.

“I’m sorry.”

I blink in surprise.

“For which part, exactly?” I reply. “Committing me to a mental institution against my will? Keeping me captive? Drugging me?”

“What the hell was I supposed to do?” he exclaims. “You lied to me! All that time we spent together, and you were keeping things from me. Just tell me, Avery,” he demands, pacing closer to me. “The things you told me… The nights we spent together. The way you begged for my cock. Was any of it true, or was it all just a fucking game to you?”

His question echoes in the small room.

That’swhat he wants to know?

I see the flash of fierce possession in his eyes. My body tightens in answer, pure instinct as it remembers the way that look would always lead to more: His hands on my body, making me moan, making mebeg. The thrilling domination of his shocking commands—and the rush of my surrender…

The thick, exquisite stretch of his cock driving deep inside me, an ache that’s haunted me ever since that night.

I can see it in his eyes, it’s haunted him, too. And I realize… It’s not over. My plan. My seduction.


Sebastian still wants me. It’s so clear in the way he’s looking at me. I have a chance to get back in his good graces, if I play my cards right.

If that’s what I want.

In a split-second, I make my choice. Or maybe it’s no choice at all. After all, I’ve come this far. Gone to lengths I never imagined possible.

I could never walk away, not until Miles sees justice.

Until I feel Sebastian thrust inside me again…

No. I push that treacherous thought from my mind as I take another breath and drop my eyes, playing with my bandages. Whatever I tell him now needs to allay all his fears. If I’m going to win his trust again, it will take the performance of a lifetime.

I bite my lip and look up at him through my eyelashes.

“Fine,” I say, my voice slightly unsteady. “What do you want to know?”

He doesn’t hesitate. Walking over to the bed, he pulls my locket out of his pocket and tosses it onto the blanket covering my legs. “What the fuck is this about? How did you know Miles Romano?”

I despise hearing that name come out of his mouth. But I bury that emotion.

“I loved him.” It’s possibly the first truly honest thing I’ve ever said to Sebastian. But the rest has to be a lie. I think fast, assembling my story even as his eyes burn into me. “I met him a year ago...” I begin, halting and soft. “After my father died, Nero sent Miles to the farm, to collect what he was owed. But we got to talking…” I swallow. “He was kind to me. A good man. He said he could protect me from Nero,” I add, playing into Sebastian’s hatred. “He stole away to visit any chance he could. Nobody knew. It was just the two of us, and he promised, he was going to take me away from everything, to give me a better life. Then, he…”

I swallow hard and don’t bother to hide the tears in my eyes.

“He killed himself,” I say, my voice a harsh whisper. “I didn’t even know, until Nero came for me. Miles left me all alone. I had no choices left. That’s how I ended up at your poker game.”

Sebastian steps closer, gripping my chin to tilt my head back and look into my eyes. “Is that the truth?” he demands, searching my gaze. “No more lies. Because I’m warning you…”

I swallow hard, letting my memories of Miles come to the surface again. This time, to save me. The loss of him aches in my chest. I blink and the tears spill over, rolling down my cheeks.

Genuine. Heartbroken.

“Yes. It’s true.” I whisper, and Sebastian must recognize the truth in my pain, because he releases me.

I hide my relief, trying to get myself under control again. To game out my next step, while Sebastian paces.
