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“I’m gonna go for a walk…explore a bit.”

I was trying to bring myself back to reality. I was still turned on by the little show below and I needed to walk this off. Mason watched me through dark eyes, and I leaned over to shut the window.

Only the sound of our breathing filled the room for a few moments before I spoke again.

“We should meet up in the morning, I’ll come with you to Gisella’s apartment. Help you hunt for clues…”

Mason stood there waiting for me to maybe dismiss him. Instead, I grabbed my keycard from the work desk provided by the hotel and left. Filling my lungs with a deep breath, I took the stairs down to the lobby and practically skipped out of the door and into the nightlife of the city.

The sounds and smells of Rome began to overtake my senses as I tried to shake off my latest encounter with Mason.



The fact that she thought I would let her wander around a foreign city alone, amused me. Besides, she had left me with a raging hard on. Part of me had been pissed off that I was so turned on and her pretty little mouth hadn’t soothed me. Nora had wanted to get away from me though, I could see how uncomfortable the entire moment had made her. How my questions had piqued her interest just the slightest but still managed to make her question herself. Perhaps she was disgusted with herself for watching the couple fucking down in the street like two dogs in heat. Or perhaps, she wanted to be in the woman’s position, not caring as people swirled around her getting fucked out in the open city, lights dancing all around.

For almost an hour, we wandered the city stopping here and there to admire certain things like a fountain with Medusa standing in middle, water bubbling up from the snakes on her head. She fished a coin out of somewhere from her person and made a wish I supposed. The coin landed with a satisfying splash.

What did you wish for, Darlin?

Another time, we stopped, and she bought a hot pretzel smeared in honey butter. I watched as she ate it in a hurry, licking her fingertips clean. The dark voice in my head dared me…

Go and lick her fingers clean, take what you want,it taunted.

Staying put in the shadows, I decided it was best for everyone if I didn’t alert Nora to the fact that I was pretty much stalking her.

You’re keeping her safe,the voice edged me on.

From who?

The bad guys,came the dark voice’s reply.

That made me want to laugh.

I am the bad guy.

I watched all of this completely out of the way, quietly, until we returned to the hotel. I let her get inside of her room first and then I finally retired to my own. The erection returned and all I could do was think of sliding in between Nora’s legs, the way her pouty lips had surrounded her fingers as she blissfully sucked away the butter from her fingers.

It’s just a door in between you and what you want…take it…

That voice sometimes won out. It was a darkness inside of my soul that called out for me to do some of the most depraved shit. It was why Sebastian DeLuca had me on retainer. It was why I was so good at my job.

No,I replied to the voice who wasn’t satisfied.

Getting up from the bed, I heard the softness of a television going in Nora’s hotel room before I slipped into the bathroom. Stripping clothes from my body, the raven I had tattooed on my back seemed to flap its wings in my reflection as my back rippled.

Turning the cold water on, I stepped under the water and let it beat down on me. My dick remained hard. Slowly, I pressed my thumb over the silver bars decorating both the tip and shaft.

Nora flashed in my mind’s eye, standing there admiring the view.

Go and take her,the voice repeated.Take her for us.

Squeezing my cock, I brought myself to the point of pain as I began to push the voice away. Sometimes, pain was the only thing that side of me understood. My thumb gripped the base of my dick before sliding back up to the silver bars and pressing. A shudder ripped through me at the sensitivity found there and I imagined Nora’s pouty mouth wrapping around the very tip, her tongue flicking at the third and final bar inserted there.

“Aaaaarrrghh,” a whimper escaped from me, and I exploded all over the glass window of the shower, my other hand braced against the wall.

After my shower, I collapsed onto the hotel bed. I’d placed a gun under my pillow and only allowed myself to slumber deeply when I heard Nora’s television turn off. The hum of the Hyperion hotel lulled me into a dream where blue eyes and laughter from the past resided.
