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I must have zoned out because I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. Turning, I found Nora looking incredibly stunning. She wore a cream colored dress that dipped slightly off the shoulders. Heels, of course, decorated her feet. She smelled like lavender and honey.

The Corsican stirred…

“You must’ve been up in space,” she took a seat at the bar.

“Yeah, we should get going.”

She rolled her eyes, whipping out her phone from the purse slung over her shoulder. “Calm down. The place we’re going …doesn’t open until nine on the dot.”


“Exactly.” she rolled her eyes. “We have time to kill.”

“Should I order drinks?”

Nora seemed to gag at the thought and shook her head. “I think I drank enough for five people last night. I’m still feeling a little queasy.”

“Did you tell your sister about how much fun you’ve had?” I braced my head on my hand.

She took a breath and ignored me. Going back to her phone. It was a clear indication that she hadn’t admitted anything to her sister. We hadn’t even talked about her throwing herself at me. My phone dinged and I saw it was Matteo.

I’d have to get back to him soon. Right now, I was preoccupied with getting Nora’s attention.

Run your fingers down her shoulder…Was the Corsican smiling in my mind’s eye.

That would be a bad idea, touching her with out her permission,I thought.

“Oh wow,” Nora looked over.


“There’s a case I’ve been following in the news. Over the last year or so, there’s been a few murders in Seattle. They think it’s a serial killer.” Watching as she sat her phone down on the bar top, I could see she was visibly shaken.


She nodded as I called the bartender over.

“What are you guys having?” He asked, a smile deeply planted on his face.

“Just water for her. Bourbon on ice for me.”

He gave a nod of his head and then went off to work on our drinks. Giving Nora my full attention, she met my eyes.

“Most people would have pushed and said have another drink.”

A smirk placed itself on my mouth. “I’m not most people, Darlin. I don’t have to push people to get them to do what I want. I let them come to me.”

Nora coughed, her shoulder shifting. Biting her lips she turned to me. “What happened last night…”

She stopped talking and waited for the bartender to set the glasses down. A ball of round ice was sitting in her water, while my glass of bourbon was waiting to slide down my throat. Nora took a sip of the water and gained some sort of confidence.

“I’m so embarrassed,” she admitted before taking another sip.

“What, Darlin,” I leaned in just a little closer. She smelled so damned good that it was driving both the Corsican and I, a little nutty.

Lavender and honey were pulling at my senses, my body felt a little tingly but more relaxed than it had in the last few hours.

“You seeing me drunk like that…and me coming onto you,” she whispered leaning over so only I could hear her.
