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Enough,I thought.

My body staggered backwards, the adrenaline still coursing through me. The Corsican seemed satisfied at his work and retreated leaving me breathing heavily. Sweat was rolling off of my body and I watched Tobias lay there, certain that he was dead.

Silence reigned through the empty room. All that I could hear was my heavy breathing. My eyes stared at my bloodied hands, unable to tell what was my blood and what belonged to the man that had once upon a time been under my command.

Laughter started up shaking me out of my stupor.

Loud and blusterous. Unhinged and unrestrained laughter was running a down my spine and it was coming from Tobias. He sat up, seemingly un-phased and then crouched into a position as if he were a cat.

“Augustus said you were the strongest out of all his children,” Tobias shook his head.

Raking my eyes over his features, I saw that his face had healed, but his eye had not grown back. There were no wounds, just dried, sticky blood around his mouth, and nose. He licked at his lips, saliva falling out of his mouth.

“I promised that woman of yours that I was gonna make her scream. Did you know that...?”

What a nutcase,I thought.

Tobias moved with a stealthiness that I didn’t think anyone else had had. I’d encountered only a few other Corsicans but they were family, uncles and cousins. Tobias seemed to be something else almost entirely.

Something strong.

I stumbled and dodged him.

Getting into a defensive position, I awaited his attacks. They were swift and sharp.

He was using my body like a punching bag. Letting my vision once again go red, I let the Corsican return to the forefront of my mind.

They began to match each other blow for blow until Tobias got behind us somehow. We’d been placed into a sleeper hold.

I can’t shake him,the Corisican thought sounding annoyed as fuck.

Whoop his ass!My thoughts were becoming jumbled, and I could feel us loosing oxygen...

What does it look like I’m doing bitch…?

Playing with his ball sack, bitch! Fucking finish him, he’s wearing our ass out!

Out of nowhere, Tobias dropped us. And I heard Nora scream out.

“Get the fuck off of him!” she cried.

Grabbing at my throat, relieved to hear her voice, I tried to stand. The lack of oxygen had made me wobbly.

Tobias started towards her. “What do you think you’re going to do with that? Besides piss me the fuck off.”

Nora had a gun. My eyes scanned the chair and I saw that she’d picked up my gun from the chair where I’d placed it earlier. My brothers had run up behind her.

“I’m going to shoot you, you crazy bastard,” the gun was trained.

“You can try!”

Tobias leapt towards her and before I knew it, gun shots were ringing out. I’d recovered just enough to watch him fall. Nora hadn’t killed him though.

Instead she’d shot him in his knee cap, just like I’d taught her. Blood was spewing out of his wound and onto the mat.

Thatta girl,I thought.

She kicked at him as he writhed in pain. “It’s your turn to scream, bitch!”
