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Fucking Irish.

I hold Luca’s gaze. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m sure you don’t.”

We continue staring at each other, the din around us sounding muffled. I’m not sure if it’s because the customers are aware of the fact that they’re sitting next to a couple of powerful, pissed off leaders or if it’s my body’s response to the revelation that I came here with even less leverage than I thought.

The timing of what went down in Lyla’s apartment building is suspicious at best. I was in town, I have a connection to two of the building’s residents that is obvious with a little digging, and I have the means to cover it up. But I didn’t think Bianchi would have proof. It puts me in a perilous position.

“This favoritecapoof yours, do you have any idea where he was when he died?”

Luca stares at me, and I stare back, locked in a stalemate. I won’t admit I issued a kill order, unprovoked. He won’t admit he had men trailing me, who followed into Lyla’s apartment building.

I lean closer. “I’d rather be friendly than foes, Bianchi. But make no mistake, I have no issue making enemies. Whoever killed your favoritecapomight be trying to give you a warning about trespassing in a residential building you have no business with.”

After alongpause, Luca nods. “I’ve made worse than a bullet disappear. As long as we avoid future incidents.”

“As long as we avoid future trespassing.”

“I own this city.”

“Not the parts that belong to me.”

Luca’s lips tip upward. “So, you’re claiming the bastard? And sending him back here?”

I say nothing.

Luca’s eyes glint with mirth as he leans forward. My grip on the gun tightens.

I don’t think he’ll provoke me here, but I don’t trust him not to.

“I want a favor.”

“I don’t work for anyone.”

His smirk grows. “So, what’s the deal with you and Lyla Peterson? A druggie’s daughter was good enough for you to fuck, but not to keep around? I suppose Igor would have had some issues with it. Convenient excuse for taking no responsibility for your kid.”

I’m sorely tempted to pull the trigger on the gun I’m aiming at Bianchi under the table, but I don’t. Doing so will set off a shitstorm I’m not prepared to handle. Cost me money and men in addition to delaying Lyla’s and Leo’s return to normalcy, possibly indefinitely. Not to mention, a reaction is exactly what Luca is looking for. I’m too proud and too stubborn to give him one.

“I want protection for them while they’re here. Your word they won’t be harmed.”

Bianchi sneers, “We don’t shield Russians.”

“One favor.”

His poker face is excellent, but I still catch the flicker of surprise before it disappears. Despite making the demand, Luca didn’t think I would meet it.

“Never thought I’d see the day.” He taps a few fingers on the table, the pattern regular and irritating. “Nikolaj Morozov folding. Over a woman no less.”

Alex eyeballs me, clearly worried I’m close to losing my shit. I’m not.

I hold out a hand, eager to make the agreement before Bianchi changes his mind. This isn’t exactly a lucrative deal for either of us. Bullet or not, Luca would have a hard time proving my men shot his, unprovoked. He had no good reason to have men in that building.

There’s nothing to be gained by trying, and it would lose him a powerful ally. He’s gaining a favor in exchange for not pursuing something he already wouldn’t have and controlling what happens in Philly, which he is already doing. Me agreeing is evidence of how far I’ll capitulate when it comes to my family, and I know Luca will exploit it. Unfortunately, since theyarea priority for me, I have no other option.

“Like I said, I don’t do business here. You gentlemen thirsty?”

Luca loves games. He’s not a straightforward businessman. I can see this unfolding, and I don’t love the direction it’s going in. But I have no choice. Leaving here without an arrangement isn’t an acceptable outcome.
