Page 35 of One and the Flame

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Deimos picked Hope up and held her against his body. As his beautiful lips touched hers, Hope shivered. She felt Deimos’s lips devour hers as his arms pulled even tighter around her. She groaned…

And woke up.Another one of those dreams!Hope sat up, panting. She looked around her bedroom and oriented herself.Okay. I’m in my room. Alone. Unless Deimos somehow teleported himself in here without me knowing.At the thought, Hope laughed and got up.

Even in the shower, Hope couldn’t get Deimos off her mind. She imagined him in the shower with her, kissing her, feeling her, and making her come.

Hope shook her head, exasperated at her inability to think of anything but Deimos. She dried her hair quickly and applied a small amount of makeup.

In the kitchen, she smiled at the housekeeper.

“Good morning.”

“And a good morning to you as well. I need to ask you what your plans are … if you need help with anything.”

“Yes, I do, actually. After breakfast, I want to go into town and look around the grocery store.”

“Good. I will take you there and wait for you … what will you do with this little one?” The housekeeper indicated the small animal that Hope and Deimos had rescued.

“He can’t be left alone. I’ll take him with us.” Hope bent over and picked up the small animal, speaking softly to it and checking its injury. “It seems to be improving, although I’ve never encountered this type of animal on Earth.”

“Are the body systems of animals on Nova Aurora the same as those on Earth?” The housekeeper looked curious.

“Well … I want to compare the Earth cows Deimos brought up here with the native cows and see what differences I can find. This little guy seems very similar to Earth rabbits, floppy ears and all.” She put the small animal in its nest of blankets and sat down for her breakfast, which she finished with her coffee. She grabbed her purse and a small towel, which she wrapped the injured animal in.

* * *

In town,the housekeeper pulled up in front of the store.

“I will watch over this little one while you shop.”

Hope smiled. “Thank you. I won’t be too long.” Inside the store, she walked up and down the aisles, making a note of what items were in stock. As she approached the end of an aisle, she overheard a few locals talking about Deimos … and they weren’t happy with him, saying he had abandoned the other dragons.

Hope frowned. She hadn’t gotten that impression from Deimos. She made sure she was out of sight and listened carefully.

“All he cares about are those cows of his. He doesn’t attend to matters of the clutch. Why do we have an alpha anyway?”

“I agree with you. Deimos has abandoned his duties. He is failing you … another leader would be a better choice for you.”

Alarmed, Hope scooted forward a few inches. She saw the shifter who was speaking, but she couldn’t get a good look without revealing herself. She didn’t want him, or anyone else, to see her. There were many others gathered behind the two talking.

Leaving the store, Hope hurried to the car. “Take me to Deimos’s house, please!”

“Is there something wrong?” The housekeeper sounded concerned.

“I … I … I don’t really know. I just know that I need to speak with him.”

As worried as Hope was, she was stunned when they arrived at Deimos’s city home.It’s so different from the ranch house. It’s a mansion.

The housekeeper unlocked the door, called for Deimos, and then took the sarva to the kitchen to feed it. Hope walked uncertainly through the huge house, looking for Deimos. She finally found him in his study.

“Hope. Is something wrong?” Deimos came around his desk and stopped in front of Hope, cupping her arms in his hands.

“Deimos, the housekeeper, and I were at the store. She stayed in the car, and I went inside to look around. While I was inside, I heard some locals complaining … about ….”

“Come on, out with it.” Deimos’s voice bore a hint of a low roar.

Hope licked her lips. She was grateful that Deimos continued to hold her.

“Deimos, they were saying that you have abandoned them, that all you care about are your cows. They didn’t sound at all happy.”

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