Page 6 of One and the Flame

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“My bags,” Hope said, somewhat perplexed by the question. Then, her eyes widened. “Did I pack too much stuff?”

“Three bags too many, sweetheart. You don’t need to bring anything to Nova Aurora. They’ll have everything you need over there.”

“But …” She frowned. “I might have to stay awhile, and I’m bringing along all of my essentials.”

“Your essentials? Oh, you really are new at this sort of thing, aren’t you? There are clothes on Nova Aurora that could change according to your style. You didn’t have to pack three suitcases full of them,” Gerri huffed, dragging along the biggest one. “Seems like you packed some bricks in here too.”

“Books, actually.” Hope smiled. “In case I get bored.”

“Believe me, you won’t.”

Regardless of what anyone thought, Hope liked her comfort zone. Taking a sudden trip to Nova Aurora was not her plan in the slightest, but since it was happening, she wanted some things that would remind her of home.

“So … how are we getting to Nova Aurora in the first place?”

“With one of my trusty little wormholes,” Gerri replied, tossing a glance over her shoulder at her. Hope tugged along two suitcases while Gerri handled one. “Ships are too old-fashioned to me. Besides, this is an emergency. We have to get to Nova Aurora as soon as possible.”

“Where in Nova Aurora specifically?”

Hope did some light reading on the planet the night before, hoping to prepare herself for whatever was to come.

“Zehvrd.” Gerri stopped in front of a floating metallic egg in the middle of the room. “It’s where the dragon clutch is. When we arrive on the other side, there will be a local waiting for us.”

Hope sucked in an uneasy breath. “All right, then.”

Leaning over the egg, Gerri whispered words that Hope didn’t catch. A few seconds later, the egg began glowing blue. The insides of the egg caved in, revealing a circle that expanded until it nearly reached the top of the ceiling.

She gasped, seeing a totally new world on the other side.

Purple trees, a pink ocean, and yellow mountains. Along the shore, the sand was pale yellow. The snow that cascaded down some of the mountaintops was blue.

Gerri smiled, seeing the wonder in Hope’s eyes. “It’s a magical feeling,” she said, gazing upon Nova Aurora.

“It’s … beautiful.”

“Now’s your chance to join in on the fun.”

Grabbing Hope’s hand, as well as the suitcase handle, Gerri led the way in. The reluctance weighed in her chest, but her legs moved without thinking. They traveled through the wormhole, across space and time, and emerged on the other side.

Hope nearly stumbled as her feet found the ground again. Meanwhile, Gerri sucked in a deep breath and sighed happily, relishing in the warm Nova Aurora suns that basked them with their rays.

“There are two suns in the sky,” Hope whispered. “How does that work?”

“It just does.” Gerri laughed, nudging her along. “Come on. Our driver, Bysil, is waiting for us over there.”

Blinking a few times, Hope focused on the man who waved them over. He leaned on a vehicle that didn’t have wheels but rather floated above the ground. Gerri wheeled over the suitcase, and Bysil hoisted it into the trunk. Hope did the same, albeit more slowly, and Bysil was kind enough to mumble a softwelcomeas he opened the door for her to enter the vehicle.

“This is Zehvrd?” Hope asked, gawking at the surroundings.

“Yep.” Gerri clapped her hands together. “Step on it, Bysil. We’re going to the ranch.”

“There’s nothing to step on, Ms. Wilder,” Bysil reminded.

Gerri clicked her tongue. “Right, right, forgive me. I just came back from Earth.”

With a lurch, the vehicle moved forward. There weren’t many others on the road with them, if she could even call them roads. This was nothing like the wide, busy streets that were riddled with stoplights and crosswalks. Instead, the path was wide enough for two vehicles, and traffic was just about nonexistent.

However, that soon changed as they drove through the heart of the city. Tall buildings and busy sidewalks encapsulated them. This was so much like Earth, but the ambiance felt completely different. Perhaps, it was the novelty of it all that enthralled Hope.
