Page 36 of Slash

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“Oh, right. Your monthly drop in to beg for more hair and body products,” Morgaine said, smiling.

“Hey, I’m a paying customer,” Nyx said, shaking her head. “Do you have anything new for me?” she asked, looking eager.

“I actually made some specifically for you,” Morgaine said, moving over toward a bag she had sitting near the front door. “Not to be rude, but you’ve been looking a little rundown lately.”

“Gee, thanks,” Nyx said.

So it wasn’t just me noticing that she was a bit off.

“Sleep is important,” Morgaine pressed. “I made you a lotion for bedtime with some lavender and chamomile in it. Soothing and calming herbs to try to help you fall asleep. And I made you a weighted eye mask that you can freeze to help ease the puffiness around your eyes.”

“God, you’re making it sound like I turned into a goblin,” Nyx grumbled, but immediately tilted her head back to try the mask.

“You’re just overworked is all. And night shift is unnatural. Did you know working night shift actually changes your metabolism and increases your risk of diabetes, depression, and heart problems?”

“I didn’t. But thanks for giving me more shit to worry about,” Nyx said.

“Just something to be aware of. You’re healthy as can be right now.”

“Did I thank you for that tonic?” Nyx asked.

“Which one?”

“The one that made my monthly three days of rocking in bed with insane cramps much more tolerable.”

“Oh, good! It’s an adaptation of something I’ve been using for years. Oh, put that money away. We’re friends,” Morgaine insisted. “Besides, that whole Clay and Cabernet thing I started is really taking off. I don’t need the money anymore. I just want to give it as gifts.”

“Careful with that. I might just abuse your generosity and start using that hair mask every single day.”

“Even if you do, I will have more ready,” Morgaine said. “Hey, come take a walk with me,” she said, touching Nyx’s arm. “I want to talk to you,” she said, and I got the feeling she silently addedalone.

For all I knew, they were going to talk about more period stuff. But I got the feeling it was more than that. That it might be about why Nyx had been looking so unrested.

“She looked good with a baby,” Detroit said as he came back down without the kid.

“Yeah,” I agreed, exhaling hard.

“Whoever she starts a family with some day is gonna be blessed with some pretty-eyed kids.”

Why was the first feeling I felt hope?

Followed by crushing fucking disappointment?

I wouldn’t let myself think about it too much.

Luckily, Riff and Raff blew in early.

The booze started to flow.

And there wasn’t a whole fuckuva lot of thinking after that.



“Damnit damnit damnit,” I hissed when I opened my door to see a box sitting there.

I hadn’t stopped thinking and worrying about the heroin, of course. It was the reason for the purple smudges under my eyes that even my makeup wasn’t fully covering up anymore. It was why my pants were feeling just a little bit looser.

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