Page 56 of Dark Salvation

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I try to imagine what it would’ve been like growing up here. All these rooms to play in, and never having to worry about where my next meal was going to come from. The life of privilege I’d been denied. A life that even I question, wondering if it would’ve been a version of myself that I would have wanted.

“Kitchen is there.” With a point of his index finger, he indicates a white marble kitchen with matching white cabinets. “Dining room is there. My office is just behind the kitchen, and the living room is over there, with one of the best views in all of Atlantic City.” He points out each space with a hopeful smile.

“And our room?”

“I have your room up on the top floor with mine. There’s an elevator. One of my housekeeper’s will get your luggage taken up and unpacked.” He turns his gaze to Priest. “I have you in the guest suite on the second floor.”

I crinkle my nose. “He’s staying with me.”

“Not under my roof,” Liam growls.

Frustration takes over. These past couple of weeks with Priest have taught me that I don’t answer to anyone, even my older brother. “I’ve been here five minutes, and you’re already growling at me, Liam. How are we going to get through a few weeks together if you can’t even acknowledge my wishes?”

“What is that supposed to mean?” he argues. “I won’t allow you to share a room with any man under my roof. Not evenhim.”

God, he’s so infuriating! Well, I’ll fix that.

“It’s only fitting that my husband sleeps with his wife,” I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

Liam’s body goes rigid. I can almost see the steam coming out of his ears with the news I so casually dropped on him. I had initially planned to tell him about our wedding at dinner tonight, but his insistence on us sleeping separately is outdated and absurd. Priest side-eyes me, a sigh escaping his thin lips. I shrug an apology to him, but it had to be done.

“What do you mean married?” Liam’s angry glare darts to Priest.“You fucking married my sister?” he roars. “Married my sister without my permission?”

Priest nods. “I did.”

“How fucking dare you!” Liam charges Priest, but I step in the way, just in time to stop the collision.

Placing a hand on his chest, I stare up at my brother, holding firm as I say, “I’m not some possession you own, Liam. You don’t get to decide who I can and cannot marry. I’m a grown woman, and can make my own decisions just fine. And I choose Priest. He’s my choice.”

Liam’s chest heaves up and down, his face growing redder by the minute. He looks between us both before throwing up his hand in an exasperated growl. “My office, now. It appears we need to have a talk sooner rather than I’d planned.”

He stomps off in a huff toward another part of the house, expecting me to follow him.

“That could’ve gone better, Angel,” my husband whispers from behind me.

“It could have, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to be separated from you. He’ll cool down.”

Priest arches his brow. “And if he doesn’t?”

Shrugging, I flash him a smile. “Atlantic City honeymoon?”

Priest chuckles and shakes his head. “You may not remember him, but I dare say you do know how to push his buttons. I’ll see if I can find our room while you go talk with your brother. Let me know if I need to toss our bags over the railings and make a run for it.” With a kiss to my forehead, Priest heads off in the opposite direction of where Liam went. Hopefully he’s putting as much distance as he can between the two of them.

“Now, Bria!” Liam bellows from down the hall. With a sigh, I head toward his voice until I find an open door. Peering around the edge of the frame, I spy my brother, pacing back and forth inside. His office, I suspect, has a large desk, and an expansive library takes up three of the four walls. A portrait of our family hangs on the other, right in the center behind the desk. “Close the door,” he orders.

Bristling at his orders, I do what he says. Cautiously, I walk into his domain like prey trying to avoid the predator.

“Why didn’t you tell me you married him?”

“It didn’t seem like something you’d want to hear over the phone, Liam.” Not that I knew how to work the fancy phone Hashtag had given me anyway. The thing had so many bells, whistles, and buttons, that outside of hitting the call button and texting, I’m at a loss as to what to do with it. I’ve never even had an email address or an ID card, let alone a cell phone. “I love him, Liam. And besides, I thought you’d be happy I married a priest.”

“Former priest,” Liam throws back at me. “How much do you even know about this man, Bria? You just met him.”

“The amount of time I’ve known him doesn’t matter. It matters here,” I say, pressing my finger against my chest. “My soul knows his. What we’ve been through, it’s forged an unbreakable connection.” Liam growls again. “If you keep doing that growling thing, you’ll be hoarse in no time,” I tease, hoping to diffuse the tension in the room.

Liam continues pacing, dangerously close to getting on my last nerve. Unable to continue to watch him, I move toward him, stepping into his path. “Look at me, Liam. I mean, really look at me. I’m happy with him. Why can’t you share the same joy I feel, knowing that for the first time in my life, I’m actually happy?”

“I wanted so much more for you than the life of a biker’s wife. After everything…” He pauses. “After everything that’s happened to you, I wanted this to be your new lease on life. A chance to see the world for the good in it rather than the darker side.” Liam grows quiet. His gaze shifts to the portrait behind his desk. “I feel like I’ve failed them, our parents. I should’ve been able to keep you safe.”

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