Page 4 of Hunted Bride

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She glanced down, and the hand holding her was red. She stroked his warm fingers and said, “You are freaking out the fox, husband.”

He must have liked the sound of that because she was held draped over one arm as he kissed her until her lips throbbed. When he set her on her feet, the concierge was standing there with boxes of zori, and she quickly got a pair that matched her kimono.

Minoru smiled. “I wish to know more about my bride, and the walls have ears here. Shall we walk?”

“Small steps. These shoes feel a little odd.”

Loki grinned. “You are going to go for a walk?”

Minoru shrugged an open jacket on over his kimono. “We are going for a walk on the grounds. I need to know as much as I can about my bride.”

Polly blinked. “Right. That would be helpful. Can I learn about you as well?”

“Of course. For you, I am an open book.” He offered her his arm.

She wrapped her hand around his forearm, and she nodded. Loki took a few pictures of them, and Minoru’s phone chirped. He checked the phone and smiled. “Thank you. My family is getting the images now.”

Polly blushed and walked with him as he headed toward the door, onto the deck, and then the crushed gravel path that led through the formal gardens.

They were a few minutes from the inn when Polly said, “I think I need to explain a few things about my family.”

“Please do. I look forward to meeting them.”

“Oh, that isn’t going to happen. First, I will tell you about my twin sister Molly. She is an omega who took a placement with a pack, but she didn’t actually tell them that she didn’t want kids and had taken steps to ensure that when she was a teen.”

“That isn’t good. If she was an omega, how did they do the procedure?”

“Oh, she said she was me. On paper, I am sterile, but based on my last exam, I am perfectly fine.” She sighed. “That brings us to the problem. Molly’s pack wants children, and while we aren’t identical, we are still twins, so they have decided that I will make a suitable breeder. Loki is helping me hide from them in public spaces.”


“Foxes stink. He rubs his neck along mine and his hands down my arms every morning.”

He tensed but then nodded. “It is sensible that he makes sure you are safe, but I don’t suppose you would have the name of her pack?”

“I do, but all they have done is tried to abduct me once. Now that I am living with Loki, things are a lot easier. With him next to me, they haven’t made a move.”

“So, you are depending on him as a repellent for your sister’s pack?”

“Yeah. I have friends in other mated pairs and quartets that let me hide with them as well.” She sighed. “There is also the book club if the pack gets too close. Those betas are ladies you don’t want to cross. I have a friend who is an excellent bodyguard, and she makes amazing cupcakes.”

He nodded. “So, if your sister’s pack disappeared, you would be upset?”

“Yes. They are bastards, but they love her and just want her to be their omega as well as their matriarch. If they wanted to, they could have rejected her and returned her to the omega centre, but they looked for a breeder instead. It is kind of sweet, but from my view, also horrible.”

“You could remain with me. I would keep you safe.”

“Um, no. My visa is for work only. I have to leave in the next week, or I can be deported and banned from returning.” She chuckled.

“You are remarkably calm for a tempting beta walking at my side.”

She chuckled. “You won’t harm me. You need me in one rather large piece.”

“You are disregarding the self-control I have been exerting not to flip you to your back and drive into you.”

She patted his arm. “If you did that, you would find out how good I am at hiding firsthand.”

Minoru stroked her cheek. “You would find out how good I am at hunting. I have tasted you, and there is nowhere you can hide from me. Now, what do you have in mind for your wedding?”
