Page 62 of Hunted Bride

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Minoru was staring at her, and Olly grinned back. Polly was still blinking in surprise, imagining her sister in a sports bra and shorts, boxing and kicking her way to a payday. Her husband got up and headed to the door, where new arrivals had just caught his eye. A large alpha with what seemed to be a large beta were walking toward the table where Ulric and the female omega were chatting.

Polly asked, “Olly, do you get hurt?”

“Oh, sure. All the time. It comes with the gig.” Olly looked at her. “Is the bitch and her pack bugging you?”

“No, Minoru and some other alphas took care of it.”

“He takes care of you?”

“Yeah. Even when I shoot myself in the foot.” Polly explained about the heat, the suppressors, and then the blastocyst count.

“So, you are pregnant?”

“Yeah, a few weeks.” Polly grinned. “Triplets.”

“Wow. I was thinking of taking a year off. Did you need any more of them incubated?”

Polly shook her head. “No. I am good to take them on two at a time. Olly, where are you staying?”

Olly chuckled. “Here, at the hotel. I drove up, parked, checked in, got changed, and watched the ceremony. You looked beautiful in everything.”

“Thank you. I felt beautiful, but that might have been the way Minoru was looking at me.”

Olly smiled. “Do you think you are in love?”

“I think I am. He cares for me, and his family is happy that he has found someone. He also rushes back to me. Oh, and he gave me this.” She fished out her pendant and showed it to Olly.

Olly touched it, and fire flared green. “Oh. Geez. Sorry.”

Polly blinked. “It never did that before.”

Minoru sauntered back with the new alpha and his beta behind him. “It reacted to your mark. You aren’t mine, so it sparked off.”

Polly tucked the pendant back under her dress.

“Gentlemen, this is my bride, Polly, and her sister Olly. Olly, this is Feng and his beta Taio. Feng is the match for the mark you wear.”

Olly got up, nodded, and glared at the men. “We have met. Please, excuse me.”

Polly blinked as her sister walked away. She glared at the newcomers. “What did you do to my sister?”

Taio opened and closed his mouth. Feng pinched the bridge of his nose. “She tried to talk to me after a bout, and I told her to get in line behind the other betas who wanted a taste.”

Taio grimaced. “And I grabbed her by her arm and shoved her past the giggling betas in line to get an autograph.”

Polly nodded, got to her feet, and slapped Feng so hard that he stumbled to the side, and before Taio realized what was happening, she punched him in the gut and kneed him in the jaw.

Minoru stepped between the men and his furious bride. Polly clenched her fists and waited for the fury to fade.

Olly rushed over to Polly’s side. “Sorry, sorry, sorry. I leaked the anger. Are you okay?”

Polly blinked and stumbled. “Wow. You really hate them.”

Olly muttered, “Thanks to them, the rumour that I was looking for hookups spread, and I had to watch my back all day, every day.”

Polly moved further from them and asked, “Why did you try and talk to them?”

“I was going into heat. After they were done humiliating me, I never wanted to see them again. That was over a year ago.” She growled. “Why are they here?”
