Page 21 of Sate the Darkness

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“Viper.” Styx crossed toward the desk to pour himself a large shot of his favorite whiskey. He didn’t doubt he was going to need it. “What are you doing here?”

Viper continued to stare out the window. “Have you noticed that there’s a rather large gargoyle in your yard?”

“I noticed.”

“And if I’m not mistaken—and I’m never mistaken—that’s Hades, the god of the underworld.”


Viper slowly turned, his lips twitching as he struggled to control his amusement. “Is there a particular reason that a gargoyle and a god from hell are smooshing your rose garden?”

Styx tossed the whiskey down his throat. “My best guess is that they’re worried about Levet.”

Viper’s nostrils flared with distaste. It was Viper’s mate, Shay, who’d encouraged Levet to stay in Chicago after he’d been rescued from the slave traders. And no one had suffered more than Viper at having the aggravating pest constantly underfoot.

“I heard that he managed to be captured by the minotaurs,” Viper said, proving once again that the vampires were best at everything. Including sharing gossip. “Although I’m confused why you would care. Surely it’s a good thing the creature has become someone else’s problem?”

“I care because I have a seven-foot gargoyle and a god perched in my garden.”

Viper shrugged. “If they’re worried about the stupid creature then why are they here? Surely they should be doing something to get him back?”

Styx grimaced. “I’m assuming they expect me to take care of it.”

Viper looked confused. “Why would you be able to…” Viper’s eyes abruptly widened as he realized why Aunt Bertha and Hades were depending on Styx to retrieve Levet from the labyrinth. “No. Don’t tell me you released the thief?”

“What choice did I have?”

“He stole my favorite dagger.”

Styx rolled his eyes. Viper had been collecting rare weapons for several centuries. He had entire warehouses stuffed with them.

“You have thousands of daggers.”

“That’s not the point.” Viper ran his hand down the black velvet jacket and layers of ice coated the priceless carpet on the floor. “I don’t like a demon creeping in and out of my lair whenever he wants. Next time he might take more than a dagger.”

Styx couldn’t argue. When they’d first realized there was a mysterious burglar targeting vampire lairs, Styx had been annoyed. It wasn’t like the creature took anything more than small objects that were more sentimental than valuable. And worse, it didn’t matter how many times he left warnings for the bastard, he just wouldn’t stop. At last he’d had no choice but to send Sofie to capture him.

“Once he returns, I’ll make the decision of what to do with him,” Styx assured the male, adding that to his very long to-do list.

The truth was, he didn’t know what to do with Ryshi. Keeping him locked in his dungeons seemed excessive for such petty crimes, but he couldn’t allow him to continue trespassing into vampire lairs. It would make him look weak as a king.

“If he returns,” Viper muttered.

“He will.” That was one thing Styx had no doubt about. “I sent Sofie with him.”

“Poor Sofie.”

Styx shrugged. He didn’t regret forcing the reclusive vampire from her lonely mountain.

“She needs the distraction.”

Viper arched a brow. “Easy for you to say.”

Easy? Styx deliberately glanced toward the window. The moonlight drenched the seven-foot gargoyle in a pool of silver while Hades was cloaked in a darkness so thick it was impossible to penetrate.

“Trust me, there’s nothing easy about this situation,” he growled. “So why are you here?”

“Jagr contacted me.”
