Page 25 of Dating the Boss

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Finally, peace and quiet. Everyone was gone, and I could now rest.

Chapter Sixteen


I woke up with my head on Alexander’s chest. This man was great to me.

“Good morning, baby,” I said, shaking him softly.

“Why, hello there, gorgeous. How did you sleep?” he asked.

“Fabulous with you sleeping next to me,” I told him as I got up to make breakfast.

My stomach was growling when I realized neither of us ate anything yesterday.

“I thought we could go out for breakfast,” Alexander suggested.

“Breakfast is on me. I know this great pancake place.” I smiled at him, knowing he felt guilty.

“After all that’s happened, I will be picking up breakfast. None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for me. It’s all my fault.” Alexander replied.

“Don’t blame yourself. They didn’t hurt me. I’m okay. I’m really okay,” she said, running her hand down my face before placing a simple kiss on my lips.

We both got dressed and slipped into the Audi before heading off to the restaurant. It had been a while since I’d eaten there, but the food was delicious.

“Hello, my name’s Holly. I’ll be your server. What can I get for ya?”

“We’ll both have a stack of pancakes with eggs and sausage please,” I told her, ordering for both of us. I loved having him around more. I could go to sleep with him and wake up to him. It was too bad that he had to go back to Baltimore today.

“Baby, I really wish you didn’t have to go.”

“I know, but it comes with my profession. I will always travel back and forth. There is nothing I can do about that. I will have someone watching the house. Just in case the man decides to come back. I can’t leave without someone being there.”

“Do you know when you will be coming back?” I asked, hoping it wouldn’t be weeks. My life was so different without him around. When around him, I felt alive and beautiful, but when he was gone, I didn’t have anything to do or look forward to after work. Baths and sleep were all I did.

“Sometime next week.” As he answered, the waitress brought our food, and we engulfed it.

When we finished, the waitress brought the check and handed it to Alexander.

“Nope, you are not paying for this,” I said as I grabbed the bill from his hand.

“I have more than enough to cover it.”

“That’s okay, so do I.”

I drove him to the airport. The whole car ride there, I didn’t say much.

“Would it be mean of me to beg you to stay?”

“No, but I can’t. I’ll be back in a week.” He kissed me and walked to the plane.

It was now time for me to go to work. Did I have to go back? Well, yes. I couldn’t pay my bills otherwise. Who was I kidding? I rushed home to put on my uniform and then walked to work.

As I walked in, I was already in a sour mood, but everyone was rushing around.

“What’s going on?” I asked loudly.

“The bigwigs are coming in a couple of weeks. All of them. We must get all two hundred rooms in the best shape they have ever been in before they get here. Hope you don’t mind working overtime,” Sharon explained.
