Page 14 of Roman

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“I love it. Sometimes, it feels like I’m flying.”

“Good. Can’t have my woman not likin’ to ride behind me.”

That brought me up short. “Your… woman?”

He grinned at me, and my knees nearly buckled. That smile was devastating. And was I really considering this? Why did it send a thrill through me when he called me his woman?

“Yeah, baby. I’ve already put the word out you’re off-limits to anyone but me. Ain’t no rush, though. We’ll do this at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.”

I frowned when I really wanted to throw myself into his arms. “You’re making this sound like it’s only your decision. Like I don’t have a choice.”

“Not at all. It’sallyour decision. I’ve already made mine. Just waitin’ on you. As I see it, my job is to convince you to do what I want. Then we’re both happy.”

The laughter inside me broke free. It wasn’t loud or boisterous, but it was the first time in a very long time I’d felt the need to laugh. It felt better than I remembered. I shook my head. “You’re crazy.”

“I sure am, honey. But I promise you, you’ll love my brand of crazy.”

* * *


The next week had mild weather. Great for riding, if a little chilly. I bundled Winter up in a heavy jacket with my colors on the back, and we rode every day. Normally I’d never put my jacket on anyone else, but I didn’t have a property patch for her yet. It was in the works, though. This was one thing I wanted no one to mistake. Winter was my woman. Mine.

We always rode through town at a lazy crawl, just enjoying the scenery. Winter had her arms wrapped around my waist, her face against my back. Occasionally she’d giggle or sigh. When she sighed, she rubbed her face against me like a contented little kitten. I’d never been had my chest puff out more in my fucking life. This woman, who was obviously traumatized, didn’t like strange men, yet I’d managed to coax a laugh and a cuddle from her.


I was so fucking gone it wasn’t funny. Yeah. I was good with it.

This was our thing while the weather held. It was late winter, so it didn’t last long. I knew tomorrow the temps would plunge, so I wanted to make this ride last as long as I could. I didn’t want to take her into the city, so I kept to the outskirts, just riding on the open road.

After a couple of hours, she tapped my shoulder and pointed to a fast-food restaurant. It was the first time since we’d been together she’d asked for something. I didn’t care if she wanted food or just the bathroom. It wassomething.

I stopped in front of the restaurant, turning off the bike. She braced her hand on my shoulder as she climbed off.

“Careful of the pipes, darlin’.”

She smiled. “You always say that.”

“Don’t want you burnin’ yourself.”

“You’ve taken me out enough times this week I know to be careful.” She smiled at me. I got off the bike and took her face in my hands, kissing her lips lightly.

“Can’t be too careful with you, Winter. You’re in my care now. I’m takin’ care of you the best I know how.” She looked up at me with large, wide eyes. Moisture gathered in them before one tear spilled over and down her cheek. I smiled down at her, then pulled her close for a hug. “You matter to me. You matter a lot. I never want anything to happen to you, no matter how small.” With one last squeeze, I took her hand and led her into the restaurant.

“I’ll just be a minute,” she said, pointing to the bathroom.

“Want me to order for you?”

She looked surprised, then bit her bottom lip, looking unsure of herself. “Are we eating?”

I shrugged. “Thought we might get something. They’ll have a big supper at the clubhouse, but you’ve not eaten anything all day. We’ll eat a quick bite here. Assuming, that is, you’re not opposed to the food here?” I frowned. “We can go somewhere else.”

“I’m not all that hungry, Roman. But thank you for thinking of me.”

“Honey, we either eat here or somewhere else. Either way, you’re eatin’.”

Was it my imagination or was she smothering a grin? “Here’s fine. Just get me a burger and fries. Something small. I don’t need much.”
