Page 53 of Love Notes

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He throws me an irritated look. “You’d know if I lied, so what’s the point? I’m nervous as hell. If one of them says no, we’re going to disappoint someone we care about and I don’t like that.”

It would be the moms we’re disappointing because at this point there’s no going back. Not that there was ever a point where we were going to give Livvie up.

“Let’s get this over with,” I say, as if I’m not sweating bullets myself.

Zeke clears his throat four times before finally dialing our mom. He barely has time to settle in beside me before she answers.

“My babies,” she coos. “My sweet babies.”

“Ma,” I complain. “I’m not a baby.”

“You’re my baby. You, too, Ezekiel. How are you two this morning? Did you go for your run, Leviticus? I hope you’re not spending too much time in front of your computer, Ezekiel. Are you wearing your glasses like you’re supposed to? Your eyes look tired.”

Zeke rubs a hand across his forehead. “I’m fine, Ma. And, yeah, I’m wearing my glasses.”

He looks tired because we were up for four hours, trying to wear our girl out. You’d think that one tiny female wouldn’t have that much energy. You’d think that, but you’d be wrong.

“Then you need to get more sleep. How is our Livvie doing? Are you guys taking good care of her?”

I try not to blush. I try real hard, but I feel the heat creep up my neck. Zeke coughs into his hand before answering, “Yeah, Ma. We’re looking out for her.”

“Good. I know Sonya was worried, but I assured her you two boys would watch over Livvie.”

I nudge my twin. Now’s the time to bring it up.

He glares at me for a second, but he clears his throat again, a clear sign he’s got something to say and doesn’t know how to say it.

Ma recognizes Zeke’s tell immediately and tilts her head. “What is it, dear?”

“So, about Olivia.”

Ma’s eyes narrow. “What about her? Did she get hurt?”

“No, Ma. She’s not hurt. She’s fine.”

She’s comatose from coming so hard when we double dicked her an hour ago.

Can you not send those images into my head while we’re talking to our mother?Zeke scowls.

Sorry.And I am, but I couldn’t help it.

“Then what is it about her?” Ma’s getting impatient.

“We want to marry her,” I blurt out.

“Levi!” my twin shouts.

“What?” yells Ma.

I scrub the top of my ear. “We both love her. You know that. And so we want to ask her to marry us.”

“Marry you?” Her voice is ascending to a pitch I didn’t realize could go that high.

“I thought we were going to ease her into this,” grumbles Zeke.

“You were taking too long,” I argue. “Plus, we’ve got another phone call to make.”

“No, you don’t,” Ma says faintly. The background on the screen blurs, and when Ma stops moving it lands on the shocked face of Sonya Moore.
