Page 13 of Cupid Games

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“Yes, I know, and I’ll be out there with you just as soon as I take care of some business. I need to see Janice, Beverly, and Georgia. The rest of you run your three laps and you’re free to go.”

The girls rose, some of them snickering as they walked past the three troublemakers on their way out the door.

“Move down closer,” she told the ladies sitting on the back row of the bleachers.

Already he could see that they were giving her attitude. One of them was the superintendent’s daughter and he wondered if Emily knew.

“Ladies, you didn’t show up for morning practice,” she said. “Why?”

“I didn’t wake up in time,” Janice said with a sigh and a flick of her hand in a dramatic fashion. “I never get up before seven.”

Beverly shrugged. “I had homework I needed to finish.”

Georgia glanced at her, pursed her lips, and shrugged her shoulders. “Didn’t want to.”

Emily smiled at them. “Being on this team is your choice. All three of you will sit out the next game.”

Sputters of protest came from the three girls, some of her best players. They knew they were good and she would probably lose the game if they weren’t playing. But he could see she was determined to let them know they were not going to be in control.

“If you miss again, I will have you transferred to study hall during this time period. I’m building a winning team and if you choose not to be a part of it, that’s your choice. We will do better with or without you. Again, your choice. You’re dismissed.”

“I’m going to tell my daddy what you’re doing,” Georgia said, rising. “I’m going to get you fired.”

Oh, she was a little bitch.

“Good. I’m sure he will understand,” she said and turned and walked away.

From the distance, he could see that she was irritated, but he had to admire her courage. She walked past him.

“Good job,” he said softly.

She didn’t respond but instead went out the door to run around the track. It was the way she’d always cooled her temper. And he knew because he’d experienced that temper before.

Glancing back at his team, they were all standing there staring at him.

“Coach?” Jayden said. “You got a crush on her?”

“Laps,” he said, ignoring them. “Tomorrow morning everyone at the gym at six a.m. We’re going to start doing morning training. But, for now, everyone do three laps around the track.”

Groans were heard, but he knew they realized the girls’ team was looking better after their morning practice. Already he was seeing improvement.

As they filed past him on the way out the door, several gave him a sly grin. His biggest player passed him and winked at him. “She’s hot.”

“Six a.m.,” he reiterated, ignoring the comment.

That was all he needed was for his boys to notice he was attracted to Emily. Because then, the coaches would hear about it and he’d get nothing but shit from them. Shit he didn’t need.

Thirty minutes later, the kids had all come back in and hit the showers. Emily’s girls were gone and she was in her office.

Unable to resist, he walked into her office.

“Do you know how to knock?”

“Why? You doing something you shouldn’t?”

“What if I was? After the way you stole the girls’ towels and hung a sign up, it is payback time.”

“You started the sign,” he said.
