Page 27 of Cupid Games

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Just then a reporter thrust a phone near her.

“Miss Martin, how does it feel to be coaching a high school team instead of playing professional ball.”

A frown twisted her lips.

“Excuse me,” she said as she walked toward the locker room.

Several reporters ran after her and when she reached the door, she turned and smiled at them. “Gentlemen, this is a ladies’ locker room. I’m very protective of my young ladies. The first man who steps in here will be arrested by the security guard who is walking this way. And I will, personally, land a few blows on you before he gets here. Have a nice night.”

They all started talking at once and she turned and went into the ladies’ room.

A laugh escaped him as he watched her disappear. But he wasn’t going anywhere. For some reason, he feared that tonight someone was going to try to take advantage of her.

He decided to wait and walk her to her car.

Thirty minutes later, she came out of the locker room with her gym bag loaded. The girls had all come out one by one.

“I waited for you,” he said. “I thought it would be best if I escorted you to your car.”

“You want to be seen with the adulteress?”

His gut told him that he didn’t believe what she was accused of. But he could see the tension and the hurt that made her beautiful face tighten. He should kick that kid’s ass.

“What adulteress are you talking about? The Emily I know would never have done such a thing and anyone who believes the media doesn’t know you,” he said.

She stopped and turned to him.

“Thank you. That’s the nicest thing someone has said to me recently.”

Tears filled her eyes, and he feared that when they walked out the door, they would be bombarded with questions. He would have to protect her.

“Why are you being nice to me?” she asked. “Last night, you challenged me to a Cupid statue run and didn’t tell me you had to be naked. Today, you were here cheering on my girls, and once we walk out the door, your name will be linked to mine.”

How did he answer that? Yesterday, he had mixed emotions about her when they met for dinner. Today, all he could think about was what if he’d made a big mistake when he abandoned her.

Could he have been in the wrong?

“Because no matter what happened between us, I never want to see you hurt. And these reporters are like vultures. Tomorrow we’ll go back to playing our silly games, but tonight, I want to protect you. Keep you safe.”

The words had flowed from between his lips of their own accord. Was he regretting his actions regarding Seattle? Even here in Cupid?

“Are you ready?” she asked.

For a moment, he thought maybe it was a signal. Were they ready for more? A chance to return to the relationship they had in the past? A chance to mend their broken relationship and try again?

“Yes,” he said, taking her elbow. “Stay close to me. And whatever you do, don’t respond to them.”

She chuckled. “All they want to hear is how bad I am. It wouldn’t do any good to try to tell them the truth.”

That made him believe in her even more. Something happened in Seattle and he would love to know the truth.

He opened the door and the crowd surged.

“Miss Martin, when are you returning to Seattle,” a reporter screamed.

With their heads down, he got behind her and pushed her through the throng. He wasn’t worried until he saw the group of parents standing off to the side with their signs screamingadulteressandnot with my children. And some of the worst sayings he’d ever seen.

When the parents saw them, they begin to march toward them.
