Page 3 of Cupid Games

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It was true. Women’s basketball did not have the same prestige as men’s. Therefore the salaries were a lot different.

“Maybe so, but you know how a small town loves scandal. I just hope the school board knows what they’re doing,” Zach said, standing. It was time to go home.

Max headed toward the door. “See you guys in the morning.”

Zach was right behind him as they walked through the door, down the steps, and into the employee parking lot. The cold January wind blew across the dusky concrete. Another five minutes and it would be dark.

“Didn’t you date some professional woman’s player?” he asked. “I could have sworn I read about it in the paper.”

Zach cringed. He didn’t want anyone to know about him and Emily. No one.

“Yes, years ago. But I’ve been out of college now five years. While I would have loved to have played professional, I never was good enough to make the team.”

Oh God, how he’d tried. Training camps, practice squads, everything so he could make it into the big leagues. But it never happened. Always the same response. Not good enough.

Max nodded. “It’s a tough life. I’m grateful for my time, but I would never encourage one of my kids to play professionally.”

It had been Zach’s dream. A dream he’d failed at. A dream Emily lived and screwed up. What a fool.

“See you tomorrow,” Max said as he reached his Corvette.

The man still had some of the luxuries from his time as a player and Zach didn’t begrudge him that. But luxuries were hard to afford on a coach’s salary.

“See you,” Zach said, climbing into his Ford F150.

So Emily Martin would be the new girls’ basketball coach. Once they were lovers, now they were enemies. And he intended to make her life a living hell. Just like she’d made his.

Reaching into his pocket, he called his friend at the paper.

“Rebecca, how are you?”

“Good,” she said. “Haven’t heard from you in a while.”

He laughed. The woman wanted to date him, but he wasn’t interested. But he could give her a scoop.

“Hey, have you heard who the new girls’ basketball coach is?”

“No,” she said into the phone.

“Does the name Emily Martin ring any bells?” There was a moment of silence. “Look her up,” he told her. “She was a professional basketball player who got fired for having an affair with one of the men in the front office.”

A gasp filled the phone and then he heard her busily scratching information on a piece of paper.

“Why would the school board hire her?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. I know the superintendent’s daughter is on the team and he really wants them to win state.”

She made a raspberry sound.

“They’ve wanted that trophy for years. And parents are not going to be happy knowing their kids are being taught by a woman accused of adultery. We’re still a small conservative town.”

It was true. Though the town of Cupid had its own peculiarities.

“Nope, they’re not,” he said. “Anyway, I thought you might need to know.”

“Thanks,” she said. “Talk to you later.”

He disconnected his phone and a twinge of guilt rippled through him. That was wrong, but still, retribution felt good. It seemed that Emily’s professional career did not go the way she wanted.
