Page 31 of Cupid Games

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“Thank you,” she replied, knowing that it wasn’t for certain. “Let me know when I’m flying out. I’ll need to ask for the day off.”

“Of course,” he said. “Don’t worry, Emily, we’re almost there. Hang on just a little longer. This is going to be huge.”

“Thank God, it’s almost over,” she said and disconnected the call.

Turning to go into the gym, she nearly ran into Zach standing behind her with a confused look on his face.

“Are you going somewhere?”

“Just a day trip to finish some old business,” she said, hoping he didn’t hear anything.

“Good morning,” he said with a smile.

“Good morning,” she said, thinking that things between them felt different since they had gone out for ice cream.

With a sigh, he handed her a newspaper. “I thought you might want to see this. On the front page, there’s a photo of Georgia setting up a shot with another player almost on her back. The headline reads ‘Cupid Girls Win Big Against Mineral Wells.’”

Pride filled her. “Can I keep this?”

“Of course, I bought it for you. But I will warn you that those damn photographers have a photo of the two of us leaving together. I’m sure the gossips will be wagging their tongues today speculating about us.”

Just what she didn’t need.

“I warned you,” she said. “Let’s just hope that no one connects us from college.”

“Too late,” he said. “There’s a whole article about how we dated in college.”

“Just great,” she said. “This is turning out to be a stellar day. I started the morning off in the principal’s office.”

His eyes widened, but he didn’t ask why.

“There will be a school board hearing about me a week from today,” she said. His eyes widened. “Some parents want to fire the adulteress.”

With a sigh, he shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, me too,” she said. “If they knew the truth, they would understand. But I’m sworn to secrecy for now.”

He reached out and ran his fingers down her cheek.

“I’m sorry, Emily. If you ever want to talk about what happened, let me know. I’m a good listener.”

Tears welled in her eyes as she remembered how he would sit and let her rant and rave and cry. When her father died, he’d comforted her. He’d been the rock under her, and she’d forgotten how he made her feel like she was the only thing in his world that mattered while she grieved.

“Thank you,” she said. “We better get back in there before another reporter takes a picture of us.”

Glancing around he nodded. “You’re right. Plus, I have a game tonight.”

“I’ll be there,” she said. “Oh, and by the way, thanks for all the plastic wrap.”

A grin spread across his face. “You’re welcome.”

“I’m going in a side door,” he told her as he walked toward the side entrance.

She nodded knowing it was for the best that they not enter the school together.

Later that afternoon, she sat surrounded by many of her players as they watched the boys play their game that would decide who would run the Cupid stupid.

“Miss Martin,” Georgia said. “I owe you an apology.”
