Page 35 of Cupid Games

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The sheriff laughed. “I thought for sure we were going to catch someone tonight.”

Their footsteps faded as they walked away and Zach released her lips.

“Damn, Zach,” she said. “That was close.”

“And we have no clothes,” he said.

“No,” she replied. “And I was just going to call an Uber.”

He rolled off her and started laughing, his cock standing at attention. Even in the darkness, he could see it bobbing in the cold.

“What are we going to do?” she asked.

“Find something to wear,” he said.

She laughed hysterically. “We’re going to get arrested, aren’t we? I’m going to get fired. The press will be writing scandalous things about me. I’ll never outlive this. I’m done.”

Slowly she rose to her feet and he followed her.

“No,” he said. “We’re going to beat this. How far is your apartment?”

“About two blocks,” she said.

“Let’s go,” he replied. “Stay right behind me. Where are your keys?”

“I didn’t lock up because I didn’t think this would take that long.”

“You do like to live dangerously,” he said. “But this time, I’m glad.”

They were about to leave the park when the sheriff’s patrol car whizzed by with its lights on.

“Good, they got a call,” he said. “Let’s just hope it’s not someone entering your apartment.”

“Ha-ha,” she replied.

He grabbed her hand as they looked both ways and then ran across the street, naked as the day they were born.

“My feet are freezing,” she said.

“Mine too.”

Suddenly she stopped and refused to budge. “Damn, you’re the first person I saw after doing the Cupid dance.”

He wondered when she was going to realize they had seen each other first. But he wasn’t disappointed. In fact, he was glad.

“Maybe it didn’t take,” he said. “We only made it around one and a half times. Come on, we’ve got to stay hidden. Standing naked in the middle of the street is a free trip to jail.”

They heard a car coming and skirted behind a trash can.

“I can’t believe I’m naked with you on a street at midnight,” she said.

A chuckle escaped him. “I will say that I still enjoy gazing at you.”

“I know. You made that abundantly clear,” she said.

A dog howled as they raced down a dark alley.

“Someone is going to call the sheriff, if we don’t hurry,” she said.
