Page 41 of Cupid Games

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With the sound of reporters busily scratching their pens across pads, the murmurs, and the flashes of light, Zach knew this was a major news story.

The lawyer took the mic back. “Mr. Devans and his wife have been separated and living in separate households for over two years. His wife confirmed that he’s done this before.”

Two years!

The lawyer handed the mic to the next woman sitting at the table and she told her story. Only she had been coerced into sleeping with the man. And she’d still been fired.

The principal and Zach sat there mesmerized by the interviews. Of the five players, two had refused to sleep with him and three had given in. All five were fired and Zach wondered if the man knew the team was not going to resign these women and took advantage of their situation.

In the end, the lawyer made his final remarks and then the reporters fired off questions. He watched as Emily and the women answered the questions one by one. Some of them were way too personal.

Finally, the lawyer held up his hand. “That’s all. We’ll see you in court.”

The women stood and walked out of the room.

Speechless, he and the principal sat there.

“Dear God, I better call the school board members. And you had no idea this was going to happen?”

“No,” he said. “She texted me and said be sure to watch ESPN at eleven.”

The principal stood. “Retirement is only a few short years away and it can’t get here soon enough.”

Zach chuckled.

“We’ll talk later about the inquiries I’m receiving about you,” he said and rushed out the door.

Brian came running into his office. “Oh my God, have you heard?”

He saw the television was still on and the reporter was talking about the significance of this new lawsuit and what it could mean to the Seattle Miners.

“You knew,” he said.

“No, I didn’t. She told me to have the television on to ESPN. Mr. Townsend was in my office. All the parents who called her an adulteress, I think they owe her an apology.”

Brian’s face turned a sickly shade of yellow. “I helped them. And now I find out she’s innocent. But she’s such a beautiful woman, I can see how this could happen.”

Zach leaned back and smiled. He couldn’t wait for when Brian and the rest of the coaches figured out what was going on between him and Emily.

Just then his cell phone rang. He glanced down and saw that it was Emily.

“Excuse me, I need to take this,” he said.

After Brian walked out the door, he answered. “Hello, beautiful. Now I understand why you had to leave immediately.”

“Oh, Zach, it’s almost over. The lawyer told me he knows they will not want this to go to trial because they would lose big time. So we expect to settle very soon. And the best thing is my name is clear. I’m not what everyone thought.”

The best feeling overcame him. “I never doubted that for a moment. When will you get home?”

“Late tonight,” she said.

“Oh, there is something you need to know. Mr. Townsend was here in my office and I told him I had to turn on the television. So he knows, and I’m sure by now the school board and the superintendent know.”

“Oh, dear. You would think this would exonerate me, but I have a feeling I’m going to be in even more trouble.”

“I fear you’re right. The City of Cupid does not like its teachers to be on the national news for any reason. And this is going to be a big story for a while. I look for the press to be at our doors this afternoon.”

“Ugh,” she said. “You’re right. But I had been warned not to tell anyone what was going on.”
