Page 6 of Cupid Games

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In her office, she heard the male coaches in the teachers’ lounge, laughing and talking, and knew she wasn’t invited to the good ole boys club. But that was all right.

Time to go to the local gym in town and do her daily workout. Maybe she would never get the chance to audition for another professional team, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t stop trying.

Picking up her purse, she walked out the door, ready to put the first disappointing day behind her. It was going to be a tough rest of the season that she could be fired from at any moment.

“Hey, wait up,” she heard Zach’s voice and sighed. She wasn’t in the mood for him to come gloating. Or whatever he wanted.

He jogged up beside her. “How was your first day.”

She put on her fake smile and grinned. “It was fabulous. The girls’ team is the worst group of players I’ve ever had to deal with. And the coaches were so warm and welcoming and the superintendent came to warn me not to speak to the press. All in all, I’d say a pretty good first day.”

Laughter came from him. “Not to mention a flame from your past showing up.”

She raised her brows and gazed at him. “A flame? I’d consider it more of an ember from my past. One who abandoned me. Nah, he’s the least of my worries.”

“Still the same flippant smart ass, aren’t you?”

Now that was funny.

“Why would you expect me to change? I like who I am. How about yourself? Has your ego recovered from a woman getting into the pros and not yourself?”

The man tensed and she could see he was trying to find the words to respond. Maybe she’d stepped over the line.

Suddenly a man ran toward them.

“Miss Martin, can we have a word with you?”

“He’s a reporter,” Zach warned.

“Gotta go,” she said. “If I’d gotten this kind of press while I was playing, it wouldn’t have mattered what that jerk accused me of.”

“Accused you of? I find that hard to believe. You must have been desperate to sleep with a married man.”

It was all she could do not to turn and throw a punch at him. But fighting in the teachers’ parking lot on her first day in front of a reporter would probably get her canned really quick.

Ignoring his comment, she jogged to her car, climbed in, and started the Porsche. Her one extravagant purchase for herself while she was playing. After all, the star player deserved to be a little arrogant.

“Hey,” Zach said, running up to the car. “My boys get the court from three to five tomorrow.”

Rolling the window down, she shook her head.

“No,” she said. “My girls get the court from three to five every other day. Maybe that’s why Cupid has the worst girls’ team in the division. The boys not sharing.”

“You had the court today and I’ll have it tomorrow,” she said, looking at his scowling face. “I’ve already told the girls to be there.”

“And I told my boys to be there,” he said.

“Too bad, deal with it,” she said and backed the Porsche out of the parking place.

Already she could tell he was going to do everything he could to make her life miserable.

But the worst thing was that time had only made him more handsome. Shame he couldn’t deal with her being accepted into pro ball and not him.


The next day, Zach took his boys to the outside court. No, it wasn’t as nice as the inside court, but he wanted to lure her into believing she had won. Oh no, the battle royale had not even begun yet.

And he didn’t know what to think about her disagreeing about the adultery. The papers said she had an affair with a married man. He’d not known how to respond, and if it was true, he was not wrong to contact the paper.
