Page 8 of Cupid Games

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With a sigh, he headed to his office, her words disturbing him. Had he really been jealous? Of course, he had. She was right. He would have sacrificed his right nut and even his left one to play professional basketball. But it wasn’t meant to happen.

Brian met him at the door to his office, a grin on his face as he stood with his arms crossed like he knew what was going on.

“You hitting on the new coach,” Brian asked.

Hell, he’d hit on her nearly six years ago, gotten into her bed, and even planned on asking her to marry him until she left him reeling.

“Absolutely not,” he said. He was tempted to saybeen there, done that, and have the scarred heart to go with it, but he kept his thoughts bundled inside his head. No need for the biggest gossip in school to learn they dated in college.

“Did you read that article in the paper this morning?”

“No, I haven’t had time yet,” Zach said, regretting turning the paper on to her story. He’d let his thirst for revenge get ahead of his logic. Now there were reporters on school grounds. And she knew he’d been the one to contact them.

“If we don’t have upset parents marching down here, I’ll be shocked. Why they hired her is beyond me,” the man said. “Though she sure has made the scenery around here a lot better. Auburn hair and sparkling blue eyes and curves that make a man think of how those well-rounded shapes would feel in his hands.”

Zach did not like where this conversation was going at all. In fact, it disturbed him. “You’re married.”

“A man can still look and dream,” he said then laughed.

If Brian got even a hint that his words were upsetting him, Zach knew the man would make his life absolute hell. More hellish than it was right now. Because Emily looked good. Absolutely freaking delicious like a platter he wanted to taste whatever she offered. A platter where the food would be so yummy, he’d want seconds and thirds.

“What are you guys talking about?” Cody said, walking up beside them.

“We’re talking about our new coach and how she doesn’t stand a chance in hell of lasting here,” Brian said, grinning. “But she’s sure nice to look at while she’s here.”

Cody shook his head. “You’re treading on dangerous ground, my friend. All you need is to get called to the superintendent’s office for sexual harassment.”

“I’m not harassing her. I’m just looking,” Brian said. “Can’t a man gaze at a beautiful woman?”

“Not in today’s world,” Zach replied, wanting the man to stop. Wishing he would just shut up.

“Tell that to your wife,” Cody warned. “See what she thinks of your description of our newest coach.”

Zach had had enough. It was hard enough having to work beside Emily without hearing this. And he couldn’t tell the man to shut up or face interrogation.

The best thing to do was leave.

“Good night, guys,” he said as he turned to the door. It was time to get out of here or he feared his facial expression would be the tell that Brian would pounce on.

“Watch out for the reporters outside,” Cody yelled.

Great, just great.

As he walked outside, he saw the waiting group of eager magpies. They had grown from just the local press to the Dallas area and even a few national reporters that he recognized.

She was a hot commodity in the news department. That one phone call had now created a major shitstorm all because of him.

“Mr. Rowling, tell us your feelings about the new coach,” one screamed.

What could he say? Gazing at her, he knew he wanted to jump back in her bed, but that would never happen. If he had his way, he would slowly peel her shorts and top from those long slim legs and explore every inch of her well-endowed body.

“I’m happy for the girls’ team. I hope she can turn these girls into athletes,” he said and wanted to addrather than just teenage party girls, which was what they were. The woman was up against a monumental task. She shouldn’t sign more than a six-month contract because she wouldn’t be here long.

Her future looked dim.

He walked down the stairs exiting the gym.

“What about the sign on your car,” someone yelled. “What do you think about that?”
