Page 36 of Hate Me

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“I’ve been converting the upstairs loft into an apartment. We can stay there.” A motion sensor light on the barn turns on as I guide us around the corner.

Effie looks back at the farmhouse. “Why aren’t we staying in the big house?”Because I can’t stand the idea of you having that many rooms to avoid me in.

“It hasn’t been touched since Mrs. Bartlett passed. Trust me, this is smaller but much better.”

The barn’s ground floor has been split in two. The front portion is my garage where I used to tinker on my truck and other odds and ends I’d find at rummage yards. The back half is the small living room and kitchen of the converted apartment. I let us inside, and Effie cranes her neck to look at the high vaulted ceilings. The walls are the original wooden planks, but fixed up where it was needed. It gives the whole place an earthy scent, like you’d expect to be walking across straw on the ground. Except instead of straw and dirt, the ground is polished concrete with mismatched rugs I found at flea markets.

“Bedroom’s upstairs.” I nod to the handmade steps leading somewhat precariously up to the loft. Effie circles in place, looking around, arms wrapped around her midsection like she’s cold. “There’s uh…no central air, but um…there should be wood somewhere on the property. I can get the stove going if you’re cold.”

“I’m fine.”


1Our words are so stilted, nothing like the sharp sparring words we’ve wielded over the past few weeks. Maybe it’s being back here. Maybe it’s just being around her. But I suddenly feel like the shy twenty-one-year-old who first took her here. My skin itches, like I can’t get comfortable in her presence, waiting for the next shoe to drop.Waiting for the phone to ring…

At least not when she’s like this. Shut down. Dejected. Like being married to me is the worst fucking thing in the world.

I know how to handle her when she’s pulling my hair and screaming my name as she comes apart on my tongue. I know how to handle her when she’s full of venom and spite. But this? This isn’t a version of Effie I ever want to see.

And I’m the cause of it.

I notice she keeps looking to the corners of the room, and suddenly I realize why. “There’s no cameras here.”

“Yeah, alright,” she scoffs, and that small bite back makes heat crawl under my skin.

I drop our luggage at the bottom of the steps. “I’ve been honest this whole time, Ef.You’rethe one whose lies landed us here.”

“Honest?”she balks. “Sure, you’ve been honest, if that means being a deceitful, manipulating bastard.” Her eyes harden and her shoulders set. She crosses the room to me. “You are not innocent in this, Finneas.”

“Maybe not, but you’re not some hapless victim either.” I step closer. She takes a step back so she doesn’t have to tip her head back to look at me. I can’t resist the urge to tower over her. Make her choose between standing her ground or cowering back. “Bed’s upstairs,wife.”

“Don’t fucking call me that,” she says sharply while brushing past me to climb the stairs.

I follow behind her, bags in tow, dropping them at the top with a heavy thunk. She’s standing next to the bed with a death glare, her arms crossed.

She says something under her breath I don’t quite catch, then with a sigh, she bends over the edge of the bed and hikes her dress up.

I suck my lip between my teeth as my eyes rake over her full, dimpled ass. Faded stripes of stretched skin cover her hips and get lost under her purple panties. I’ve never had a stronger urge to sink my teeth into anything more than I want to take a bite out her perfect, fucking ass right now.

My feet decide to break their stupor and I cross the room with reverence, gazing upon my offering. My dick swells in my pants, and I groan when I undo my belt and relieve some of the pressure on it.

My breathing deepens the closer I get, the stronger my need to slide my fingers between her legs and see if my wife is already soaked for me.

My wife. Effie Luciano. Fuck.

I slide my pants down my hips and stroke my cock, my piercing already slick with pre-cum. I spread my palm wide on her lower back and skate it up her spine. I watch with delighted fascination as the fine hairs on her arms, draped on the mattress by her head, stand on end.I make her fucking shudder.

I smooth both hands down her sides and grip her hips. I hear her draw in a deep breath, as if in preparation. I toy with the waistband of her panties. But then I pick her up and flip her over, pushing between her knees.

Her eyes are sharp, her tone just as cutting. “What are you doing?”

I stroke her thighs, inching her legs wider. “I’m going to look my wife in the eyes the first time I take her.” I reach for her panties again, but she pushes my hand away. My brows pinch in confusion, and her next words are worse than getting fucking shot.

“I don’t want to see your face.” She flips back over and plants her feet on the ground to bend over the bed. She shimmies her underwear down her legs almost spitefully.

My stomach churns, and my jaw clenches painfully tight seeing her pussy presented to me with such…suchhatred.

I swallow down the sour taste in my mouth and reach around her waist with one hand. I use two fingers to slide over the seam of her pussy, my cock jumping at the warm slickness waiting for me.
