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“Exactly my thought,” Brady says.

“Yeah, the night before one of the biggest games of my life.” I push back from the table. “See you guys later.”

All three of them laugh as I leave, but I don’t think any of them really think I’m on my way up to meet someone. At least I hope so.

“Congratulations. You were amazing.” Shayna kisses me and walks into my apartment.

We won yesterday’s game, and based on what I read online, there’s no doubt that I’m back to performing to my full potential. Getting back out there and making my contribution to the team felt so good. Brady and I were on fire. Three touchdowns. It was like if I threw the ball, it was a magnet drawn to his hands.

The only shitty part about yesterday was not being able to celebrate it with Shayna the way I wanted. Instead, she avoided me and would barely look at me on the plane ride back.

“Couldn’t have done it without you.”

She smiles from over her shoulder and walks into the kitchen to grab herself a water out of the fridge.

I love that she feels at home here.

After she’s taken a healthy sip from the bottle, she pulls it away from her mouth. “Sorry, I’m so thirsty from being at the gym.”

“No worries. You hungry? I was going to order something in. Thought we could watch a scary movie while we eat.”

Halloween is in a couple of weeks, and all the previews of the scary movies made me want to watch one with Shayna. I like the idea of Shayna snuggling up to me because she’s scared, but I don’t know how she’ll take my suggestion. It’s not part of the “this is just a hookup” plan.

She pauses then shrugs. “Okay, sounds good. How do you feel about pad Thai?”

“Works for me. Let me pull up the place around the corner.” I fish my phone out of my back pocket, and once we’ve placed the order for the food, we settle on the couch in my living room. “Any preference on what we watch?”

“I haven’t seen the newHalloweenmovie yet. Want to watch that?”

“Are you a Michael Myers aficionado?” I punch in the movie in the search function on the TV.

“I’ve seen practically every horror movie ever made. Scary movies are my jam.”

So much for her being scared and jumping in my lap. It will probably be the reverse.

“A sweet, innocent thing like you?” I chuckle.

“You’d be surprised.”

“Nah, I’ve seen you in the bedroom, remember?”

Her cheeks turn deep pink, and she swats me across the chest. “Such a gentleman.”

I kiss her, deepening it with my tongue. The kiss gets out of hand quickly, and when I pull away, we’re both panting.

“You love that I’m not a complete gentleman,” I growl and bite her earlobe.

She laughs and pushes me away. “I’ll give you that one.”

I pick the movie from the list and it plays. “What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?”

When I settle back into the couch, Shayna leans into me, head on my chest and arm wrapped around my middle. “Ooh, that’s a hard one. I don’t know if I could pick.”

“The Fourth Kindis definitely the scariest one I’ve seen.”

She lifts up off my chest to look at me. “I’ve never heard of it.”

“You probably couldn’t handle it.”
