Page 11 of Mile High Player

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“Got them from playing football.”

“You play football?”

It’s his turn to take my hand, and trigger another full body tremble, when he drops lingering kisses in the center of my palm, at the soft skin of my wrist, and over my knuckles, before answering.

“I was a pro player for almost ten years. Had to retire last year after a severe injury.”

He pulls down on the collar of this t-shirt, exposing the scarred skin I noticed earlier at the hotel. I can still see the tattoo, but the letters are too small for me to read.

“I’m sorry,.” I squeeze him. “But you’ve completely recovered now?”

His smile is reassuring.

“Yeah, babe. As good as can be, but I’ll never play pro again. My shoulder can’t take it anymore.”

I nod.

He asks a question of his own, “what do you do?”

“For work?”

He nods.

“I’m a financial analyst for a tech company.”

“Ah, a numbers girl.”

“Yep,” I giggle.

Our conversation is interrupted by the flight attendants handing us our breakfast trays. We thank them, and start digging into the actually savory First Class meal. After a few bites, our ‘getting to know each other’ conversation resumes.

“Why are you going to London?”

“Officially, to visit my baby sister. She moved there a couple of years ago, and I haven’t been since.”

Jake’s eyebrows rise interrogatively, with a ‘what else?’ expression.

“I needed to get away from The City for a bit.”

“Ryan?” He asks without marking a beat.

I nod, and my lips twitch into an embarrassed smile.

Jake takes my chin between two sturdy fingers, commanding my attention.

“Is he bothering you?”

I shake my head vehemently.

“Hell, no! It’s just that… we were together for a long time. We have the same friends. I just moved out of our place… I… I need time and space away from all we shared.”

“You sure you’re over him?”

I feel my lips stretch into a big, bold smile.

“Absolutely. If I had any doubt, meeting you, feeling this crazy thing between us, cleared it all.”

Jake drops a long, closed-mouth kiss on my lips before nodding firmly.
