Page 3 of Mile High Player

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“You too, son.”

And he ambles away with his carry-on.

Once the line of families and seniors start winding down, a second announcement follows, “attention, please. Passengers of flight RK49 to London Heathrow. Would all passengers traveling together please approach the counter?”

I take a pensive look at the crowd and make a rapid mental calculation, initially there was about one hundred of us. Maybe half left for the hotel, which leaves way too many people for all of us to get a chance at a decent room. I’m not making that gamble.

I shoulder my backpack, and walk to the seats where my hot girl has been sleeping, head resting on her shoulder bag.Yeah, I kept an eye on her. Sue me.

I shake her gently, and she opens her eyes sleepily.Fuck, she’s cute.All sleepy doe eyes and full, tempting lips parted.

“Come on, sweetheart.” I help her up, trying my damnedest to keep my hands on her upper arms. And even then, I can’t help but notice how soft her skin is. And, when her head brushes past my face, I notice how good her hair still smells, after hours of this torture. I throw her bag over my shoulder and grab her hand. It’s delicate in my huge, calloused one. All velvety skin and delicate fingers.

Goddammit, focus, man!I lead her in the counter’s direction. She blinks up at me with incomprehension, but is too tired to protest or completely register what’s happening. With my long strides and her mostly strolling beside me, we’re close in line, and make it to the desk fairly quick.

The lady manning the counter is chipper and fast. I envy her refreshed appearance and unwrinkled clothes, when all of us passengers look all rumpled.

“Good evening, ma’am, sir. We’d like to apologize again for the long wait. Today’s flight has been canceled, but you’ll be on the first plane to London tomorrow morning at eight. In the meantime, our airline is offering you a free night in the airport’s five-star hotel. May I please see your boarding passes?” She repeats the same refrain she’s probably been serving for the last half-hour. Still pairing it with a smile.

My girl pulls her boarding pass from her back pocket and hands it over, throwing me a puzzled glance. Probably curious why I went through the trouble of waking her.It wasn’t solely out of the kindness of my heart, honey.

The airline employee checks our passes, clicks away on her keyboard, and prints a single hotel voucher, handing it to me.

“You’re really lucky, they ran out of double rooms, so you get a junior suite,” she winks at us, continuing in a cheerful tone, “it has a Jacuzzi! And, don’t tell the other passengers but, the hotel barely has any more rooms for us. I’m going to have to start looking for lodging outside the airport for solo travelers.”

Fuck, if she keeps babbling, the woman standing next to me will catch on, and make us both lose the opportunity for a good night of sleep in a comfortable bed, right here in the airport, instead of God knows where.

“What…?” my girl asks, and I know I have to do something. I pocket both of our boarding passes, and the hotel voucher, and bend down, putting my face right into hers.

“Come on, honey. You need to rest.” I look her in the eye, trying to summon my nonexistent telepathic abilities.

“But… she only gave us one voucher…” Wet Dream Girl stutters.

“Is there an issue?” The desk employee questions, now frowning.

“No, we’re on our way. Thank you!” I grab myhopefully futureroommate’s hand again, trying to pull her away, but she resists planting her feet. I look at her face. Yep, completely awake, and not about to let herself be manipulated.Fuck my life.

I go for broke, and this time when I bend down, my mouth lands on hers.


What is happening?!!One minute I’m sleeping uncomfortably on the departure area seats, the next I’m awakened and dragged to the airline counter, and now… now Hot Jerk is thoroughly making love to my mouth.

What was at first a delicious press of his full lips takes a completely different turn when I open my mouth to protest, his supple tongue plunges in to stroke and swirl. My eyes flutter close, and I tip my head back, grabbing on to his shirt for dear life and kissing him right back.

Oh My God, the things this man does with his mouth have to be illegal in some parts of the world. I feel my nipples grow taut and my clit tingle with desire. Ryan sure never elicited this type of reaction from my body with a simple kiss.Ryan. The thought of him pops up in my mind. At the same time, I hear the desk employee loudly clear her throat.Oh shit.

We slowly detach our lips, our bodies reluctant to part. Standing there, glued to the spot, eating each other up with hungry eyes. He is gorgeous, all disheveled from our day spent in the airport terminal, eyes gleaming with a ferocious yearning.

When a wicked grin stretches the mouth, I now can confirm is absolutely delicious. I shake my head, thank the lady at the counter, and grab Jake’s huge paw. This time I’m running the show.


Chapter Two


“Who do you think you are?! It’s not because you’re hot that you can go around kissing people without asking!”
