Page 9 of Mile High Player

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She smiles a bit wider, and with a hint of sadness.

“What if it wasn’t a one-night-stand?” I ask, surprising myself.

Swear to God, Lee!

“I… well…” mouth agape, Anna just stares at me.

I bring my thumb up to her beautiful face, run the pad over her full bottom lip. Reminding us both of your torrid kiss in the airport, yesterday.

“What if it was as many nights and days as we want?” I whisper, moving closer to her, my breath landing on the mouth I’m caressing.

I drop a lingering closed-mouth kiss on her parted lips, and she moans in return.Fuck, this woman will be the death of me.

“As many as we want, uh?” she finally allows herself to ask. Her expression a mixture of careful curiosity and pure lust.

“As many as you want, beautiful.”

Something flashes in her gaze, like defiance maybe.

“I don’t mess with other women’s men.”

I give her my cockiest smile.

“Neither do I.”

Anna shakes her head, rolling her eyes.

“I’m serious, Jake.”

“I know,” I respond. “I’m not anyone’s but yours. You have my word.”

She observes me closely, trying to read beyond my words.

“So, are we doing this?”

Anna exhales loudly, shaking her head, looking like she can’t believe what she’s about to say.

“I… I guess, so.”

My own head shake is firm, a resolute ‘no’.

“No guessing, babe. Do you want me or not?”

She fills her lungs with air and exhales deeply.

“You know I do. Wanting you is not the issue here.”

“You can’t deny this insane thing between us, babe. I spotted you in San Francisco. Felt it, right then and there.”

“I feel it too,” she lets out breathily.


The words have barely left my mouth, that Jake grabs me by the back of my neck to pull me closer, bending over to lay a hot and heavy one on my mouth. Full, soft lips, warm, wet tongue, licking and sucking, and caressing. He tastes so good. Like fresh breath and Jake. Unique, enticing. Making my core clench and dampen. My fingers tangle into his long, soft locks, caressing, pulling him even closer. His large palms circle my waist, fingers brushing over the uncovered skin between my top and yoga pants. Inciting heady sensations and soft whimpers from my body. Jake’s own groans pair with my sounds of pleasure. Till we’re reminded of reality by a loud throat clearing.

Yes, we’re sitting next to each other. Yes, we’re in First Class -courtesy of the desk employee from yesterday who left instructions to her colleague to upgrade our tickets. And, yes, there’s considerable space between our seats and those of other passengers in our cabin. But still.

The flight attendant who just reminded us of the existence of the world appears to be close to retirement age. She’s wearing a stern expression, mouth pinched in disapproval.
