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I sighed; this was turning into a horrendous fucking day!

Chapter Four.


“Oh, sorry, are you new here?” a woman asked, and I nearly leapt out of my skin. It was dinnertime, and I’d popped down to get something to eat. I couldn’t be bothered to cook and needed a change of scenery from the apartment.

“No, I live upstairs,” I stammered. Shit, only Brett or Magic was supposed to be in the kitchen. I guessed this was the new barmaid.

“Are you allowed down here?” she demanded, folding her arms.

I straightened my shoulders and stared her down. Or rather, peered up at her. The woman was at least five foot seven, give an inch or two. She had dirty blonde hair cut in a bob and green eyes, which watched me carefully. I envied her curvy figure.

“Yes. Magic’s like a father to me. Why are you back here?” I challenged. Magic had ruled the kitchen off limits to everyone, apart from Brett, from five to six, so I could come down and eat and socialise with Brett. We both eyed each other suspiciously until Magic barged in and, smiling, made a beeline for me. Magickissed my brow, and his eyebrows descended as he spotted the stranger.

“Natasha, what are you doing here?”

“I was coming to place my dinner order. And I’m guessing this is why the kitchen’s off-limits,” Natasha announced.

Magic’s stare turned murderous.

“What’s that meant to mean?” he demanded.

“Oh honey, I’m old enough to recognise when a woman is in trouble. Your overprotective alpha male stance merely confirms that. Blonde, not dumb! Whatever, I’m no threat to either of you. Hello missy, I’m Natasha Kemmer, married with a teenage boy,” Natasha said, holding out a hand.


“The infamous Alice! Wonderful, the waitresses mentioned you but thinks you left. So as far as I’m concerned, I didn’t see you, nor do you live here. So, can I get some dinner?” Natasha demanded, turning to Magic with her hands on her hips. “And why don’t you go upstairs, and I will keep you company?” Natasha asked.

Bemused, I glanced at Magic, whose mouth was opening and shutting, before nodding and heading up the stairs.

“Alice, I’ll grab some jacket potatoes and salad. Go back to guarding the bar, Mr Grumpy Pants!” Natasha chided Magic.

I giggled. Nobody called Magic on his moods. Natasha was taking the bull by the horns.


There was a tentative knock on the apartment door, and I checked before opening it to let Natasha in. She was carrying three plates, and her pockets were bulging.

“Brett gave me two huge jackets and three large scoops of chilli girl! Hope you’re hungry. He also sent four cans of coke and dessert, which are balanced precariously on top. Grab it, Alice!” Natasha exclaimed as the top plate wobbled.

I snatched it and sighed happily. Chocolate fudge cake.

“Sorry, I didn’t bring utensils. I guessed you’d have them. Where are we sitting?” Natasha asked, barrelling into the apartment.

Bemused once again, I followed and motioned to the sofa and armchair.

“Yeah, let’s not stand on ceremony. I’m pretty down to earth,” Natasha continued as she handed me one plate and sat on the settee. I took the chair, which was my favourite place to sit.

“Thanks for this and for keeping my presence a secret,” I said, lifting the cover off the food. Damn, Brett, this looked wonderful.Thank you, I silently told him. A large jacket potato smothered in chilli with a side salad and two thick slabs of bread adjourned the plate.

“Fuckwad of a husband or bad relationship? Mind you, they’re both the same, I suppose,” Natasha said, sniffing her dinner. “If I wasn’t married, I’d snatch Brett up!”


“Guessed you were running from something. Honey, the way your body moved to flee gave it away. Magic is protecting you? Not keeping you against your will? If he is, tip me the nod, and I’ll get you out of here,” Natasha said, holding my eyes.

“No! Magic’s the only family I have,” I gasped.
