Page 1 of Arthur

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I grab the tie belonging to my target. He’s attached to it still. He thinks it’s a game and willingly follows me through the crowds of people. I did my research and know where all the blind spots are in this place, so I keep my head lowered as we pass under a security camera. I’m pretty sure my dazzling sequined dress will blind any images anyway.

“Fuck, you’re so hot,” he growls, grabbing my hips and thrusting himself against my behind. I roll my eyes. Does this behaviour actually turn people on? His wandering hands reach around my hips and the heat of his body presses against my back as I continue to lead him to our final destination.

He doesn’t question how I know my way around this nightclub as I lead him up some back stairs. Of course he doesn’t, because his end game is different than mine. All he’s thinking about is getting his dick sucked. All I’m thinking about is getting the job done so I can go home and get my pyjamas on. Maybe I’ll catch Ollie awake. Since he turned ten, he’s been trying to push the boundaries and stay up later. I give my head a shake. I can’t afford to mess this up because there’s big money waiting to be wired into my account.

I push the fire exit door, and we step out onto the roof. This guy’s a typical drunk rich boy, hands in my bra, grabbing my tits way too hard to do anything but repulse me. I have yet to find a guy who knows exactly how to touch me to get me going. I manage to get him towards the ledge and I peer over. The streets below are busy and I don’t wanna risk him hurting anyone, so I move to the other ledge, making it into a game of chase. I even throw a giggle his way. He falls for of it, desperate for the fuck. Wanker.

I stop, peering over the wall. It’s quieter down there, but not so quiet he won’t be spotted. His body slams against mine, and the air leaves my lungs. “Fuck, I want you so bad,” he growls into my hair, his hands grabbing at my chest again. He’s strong for his size, and for a second, I’m transported back to another time. One when I was helpless against the wandering hands and the stale breath near my neck. He yanks my skirt up hard and spins me away from him, bending me over the ledge. This is not how it’s meant to go.

“Aren’t you married?” I ask as he kicks my legs apart.

“I sleep on the couch,” he mutters, taking a fistful of my hair and dragging his wet mouth down my neck.

I’m grossed out. If this was a real hook-up, I’d be so turned off, I’d have to stop it. “Jolene, right?”

I feel him stiffen, and not in the turned-on way. “Huh?”

“Your wife. It’s Jolene, right?” He takes an unsteady step back, and I turn to face him, smiling as I lower my dress. “A few pointers . . . not that you’ll ever need them again.” I take his tie for a second time, and we walk in a circle until his back is to the ledge. “Your hands, way too rough. No woman wants to feel like a slab of meat. And the thrusting . . . oh god, the thrusting . . . I mean, all men do it, right? But why? What makes you think any woman, especially a stranger, wants you to thrust your fucking cock into her back? It’s not sexy,” I say, throwing my arms in the air, then I place my fingers against my temple.

“Is it like a primal thing? Yah know, hey, look how big my cock is? Cos I have to tell you, it’s not actually what we think. Just then when you prodded me, my first thought was, gross, obviously. But then I thought about getting home to my own bed and snuggling down to watch Netflix. Is that what you were hoping for when you shoved your erection against me?” He shakes his head slowly, his eyes darting around in panic. “If you really are sleeping on the couch, no wonder. Jolene must be sick of your caveman attitude to sex.”

“What’s going on?” he asks. “Are you crazy?”

I nod. “A little. It’s childhood trauma, apparently. My therapist says I can be fixed, but honestly, I quite like me. Why fix what works? Anyway, back to Jolene. Do you want to know what a woman really wants?” He shrugs, looking around helplessly again. “She wants love, Jeremy. She wants attention. She does not want a cheating husband who thrusts his dick into people’s backs, hoping for a quick fuck where I probably wouldn’t have even come because, let’s face it, Jezza, you’re going to be shit in bed, aren’t you?”

“I’m sorry, okay. I’ve never done this before. I don’t usually pick up women.”

I laugh and it echoes around the rooftop. “I almost feel bad for you. Maybe you weren’t loved enough as a kid. Or maybe you settled down too young. You’ve clearly never been shown how to treat a woman. Now, I could humour your lies, but it’s not in my nature. Before you hit the bottom, I want you to think of these people.” I open my bag and reveal his iPad. He frowns, not comprehending it’s his because he knows he locked it away in the boot of his car. Along with all the dark clothing and the balaclava he uses. It was so cliché.

I begin to scroll through the photos of his victims, photos only he’s seen, and the penny begins to drop. He recognises his iPad and his face pales. “You really are a sick fuck. She looks about sixteen. I mean, you’ve ruined her life forever. Do you think about that when you walk away? Do you consider the damage you’ve done to a sixteen-year-old virgin? She’ll hate men forever. Trust me, I know.”

“She . . . she was on . . . I mean, she wanted to meet me.”

“Yes, she was on a dating app. But fuck’s sake, Jezza, she’s sixteen, and you’re what, forty? You should know better. You’re the adult. And she never joined that app to meet old men who would ruin her life. In her naivety, she thought she’d find a good guy.”

“She wanted it rough,” he spits.

“No, she didn’t. There you go again, reading the room wrong. Does she look happy in this picture, Jeremy?” I thrust the iPad closer, and he turns his head away. The girl in the picture is tied up and sobbing. Her eyes are swollen from tears, and she’s covered in bite marks and bruises. “Is that what you were going to do to me tonight?” He shakes his head. “Of course not, because I’m not a kid. I can fight back. You know, Jolene knows what you’ve done.”

His eyes widen in shock. “How?”

“She’s very important, or should I say, her family is. Why would you risk it?”

“Did they hire you? Are you here to scare me off, because I’m not leaving my marriage without a payout.”

I groan. “She said you’d say that.”

“You spoke to my wife?”

I put the iPad back in my bag. “The thing is, Jezza,” I move closer, “she doesn’t want to divorce you.”

He looks relieved. “Okay, she wants to work it out. I can stop. I’ll stop.”

I give him a pitying smile. “Nope. I think she’s tired of the shit sex and covering your arse with her brothers.” I grimace. “They really don’t like you, do they?”
