Page 67 of Arthur

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I bite my inner cheek to stop me pinning her against the wall and reminding her exactly why it wouldn’t be good to taunt me with jealousy. “You do whatever you need to.” I force the words out. “I just needed to make things easier all round.” I go back to my desk, forcing myself to sit down and open my laptop. “I’ll send your final wage later today.”

“Final wage?” she repeats.

I look over to her. “Yes. You can’t keep working here.”

She laughs. “Not a fucking chance are you firing me. This is my job and I’m good at it, and unless you want the hassle of Hadley taking you to court for unfair dismissal, I’d stay quiet.”

“You know it’s going to be hard to watch me and Jolene together,” I mutter.

“Hard for me, or hard for you?” she asks.

The office door opens and Jolene walks in looking like an advert for Versace. “Good morning. You were up and gone early,” she says, striding over to my desk and kissing me. “Morning sex is my absolute fave.”

“Shocking, so is Arthur’s,” says Meli, mocking Jolene’s screechy tone.

Jolene smirks, pressing her lips against mine again before turning to look at Meli. “Maybe I tired him out,” she says thoughtfully, and I groan. This is the exact thing I wanted to avoid.

Meli grins wider, leaning her chin on her hands. “He’s an all-night kind of guy, so I find it hard to believe. Is your stamina slipping, Art?” she asks, glancing at me.

“Stop,” I snap, and they both look at me. “This stops now.”

Jolene shrugs. “So, wedding plans, I’m going shopping to get some last-minute things. I need a list from you of all the people we need to invite.”

“Like?” I ask, irritated.

“Like all the important business associates.”

“All the men she needs to impress, silly,” adds Meli.

“Exactly,” Jolene confirms, ignoring the sarcasm in Meli’s voice. “And family, of course.”

“Shit, haven’t you lost yours?” Meli asks. “That’s gonna be awkward. Arthur’s side will be full and yours will be empty.”

“Maybe you can sit on my side to fill it. Your arse is a good size,” snaps Jolene.

Meli laughs. “I’d rather be dead than come to this sham of a wedding.”

“That can be arranged,” Jolene says. “But I’d rather not kill you just yet, I’m enjoying pissing you off too much.”

I stand abruptly. “I have a meeting to go to. When I come back, I want you both to be gone.”



I roll my eyes as they both leave the office. I just told him I’m not going anywhere, and I meant it, because despite his words, there’s no way I’m giving up on him. He’s mine, and I’m fighting for him.

I call Rosey and meet her for lunch. She looks tired and stressed. “Are you okay?”

She shrugs. “All this stuff with Arthur is getting to me,” she admits, and I frown. Nothing gets to Rosey. “It’s such a mess, and it hurts my head trying to think of ways to get rid of that scheming bitch.”

“Tell me about it. Any luck on the other hitman or woman?”

She shakes her head. “No one openly talks about this stuff. I can’t just rock up to some HQ and demand a list of killers and clients. It’ll take time, and from what Albert tells me, there’s no time because she’s set the wedding date for Friday.”

I nod. “Yep. She’s ready to go.”

Rosey gives me a pitying smile. “How are you feeling?”
