Page 84 of Arthur

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“Well, as long as I walk away alive, I’ll consider this to be a good date,” I reply, smirking.

“Have you dated like this?”

I laugh, looking around at the extravagant restaurant. “No. The most I got out of a date was fish and chips by the docks.”

“Then we’ll both have made a good first memory.”

Our food arrives, and as I tuck into the delicate crab meat, I groan in pleasure. “This is amazing.”

“You keep making those noises and we’re not finishing dinner,” he growls. By the seventh course, I’m practically orgasming over the food.

“I can’t eat another thing.”

“We should walk it off,” he tells me before asking to settle the bill.

We step out into the cool fresh air, and Arthur spins me to face him. “I have one more thing to do before I take you to a very exclusive hotel with large four-poster beds and silk sheets just like you requested.” I kiss him, thinking nothing he could do can top dinner. “I love you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone. You make me into this nice guy who takes you on dates in Paris when I should be working. I like being that guy, and with you, I think that’s possible.” He drops onto one knee, and I gasp. People around slow to watch as he pulls out a small box. “Amelia Maverick, will you marry me?”

“Arthur,” I whisper, “everyone’s looking.”

“You better give me an answer then,” he says, adding a nervous laugh.

“Yes! Yes, of course, I will!”

He lets out a breath, standing, then he takes the ring from the box and places it onto my finger, where the large, round diamond sparkles. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he spins me around. Spectators clap before moving along. After a few minutes, Arthur lowers me to the ground.

“I love you too,” I tell him. “I never thought I’d find anyone to love me, for me, and you do, you really do. I didn’t know happiness before you, Arthur, and right now, I’m so happy, my heart could burst.”

He kisses me. “You’re perfect, Angel, just the way you are.” He takes me by the hand. “Now, let’s go make that family you promised me.”
