Page 116 of Royal Honor

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I hesitated, torn between duty and longing. But the duty to protect her, coupled with the longing to be near her, won. I slid into the bed beside her.

“Thank you,” she said.

My leg hung off the bed, determined to keep our bodies separate—and the temptation under control.

Honor shivered again, though not as strongly as before. Then cold feet pressed against my calf. My muscle constricted from the cold, but I didn’t move away, instead pinning her foot under my calf so I could warm it better.

“You’re freezing,” I said.

“I think I got used to having… dragon heat… and now it’s gone.”

“I think you’re just drained,” I said. “I’m still warm.”

I hesitated, then stretched out my arm. “See?”

She hesitated too, then moved suddenly across the bed. She snuggled her head into my shoulder, and my arm wrapped her automatically. Each shiver I felt through my whole body, because I was so intensely aware of her. But those shivers faded as she relaxed against my body, until her breathing softened. She might be asleep.

I dared to open my eyes and study her face. She was so beautiful, even in the meager fire light; her lashes rested above those angled cheekbones, her pouty lips parted in sleep.

I couldn’t resist the temptation. I leaned in to kiss that rounded cheekbone. While she was asleep, while it wouldn’t mean anything to her.

As I leaned in, her lashes opened. Her gaze met mine for just a second as she turned her head, her lips parting to meet mine.

My lips brushed hers, not her cheek, in the innocent—and unknown—kiss I had planned.

It was a soft, tentative kiss. Then she moved, her leg sliding against mine, her body seeking even closer contact. She rolled half on top of me, her breasts pressing against my chest, and I slid my hands down her sides. Her skin was so soft, and her lips were warm and tender as she deepened the kiss, her mouth moving against mine.

I couldn’t resist her. My hand cradled the back of her head, holding her close to mine. I swept my tongue against the seam of her lips, and her mouth parted for me. I kissed her deeply, tasting her, and she moaned softly against my mouth.

She pulled away first, whispered, “Damyn.”

“Go to sleep.” I managed, even though I was hard as a rock, my cock straining, and I was sure she could feel it when she was pressed against me.

“You can’t kiss me like that and then tell me to go to sleep.”

“I think I can. This is the wrong timing.”

“You always think it’s the wrong timing.”

“Because I promised your father I’d protect you.”

“Fine, protect me. You’re doing a good job of that,” she said, and I groaned because it sure as hell didn’t feel that way. “But don’t protect me fromyou.Don’t protect me from what we both want. Don’t protect me from your mark that’s already on my skin.”

Gods, every time she mentioned themarkmy heart sang that she was mine, no matter how much I tried to quash the rebellious thoughts. “I’m just a knight. I’ll never be a high enough noble for a queen.”

“I don’t care.”

“The higher nobles will. The advisors in your court. The Fae in other lands.”

“What’s the point of being queen if I can’t have what I want?”

She nestled her cheek against my jaw, and my heart almost stopped. Gods, I wanted her so badly.

“We don’t always get what we want in life. Especially when we serve a higher cause.”

“No,” she agreed. “But you always make sure I get what I need. And I need you.”

I let out a groan. She was killing me.
